Ok, it's prayer one more time. The more I think about it, read about it, and dwell on it, the more I learn. I started listing the amazing results of unceasing prayer in my own life.
I wish this were an interactive blog so you could add the benefits you have in your own life from unceasing prayer. Here are a few of mine:
1. Keeps me in the presence of God
2. Keeps me from sin
3. Gives me confidence
4. Strengthens my faith
5. Gives me peace
6. Makes even my enemies to be at peace with me
7. Gives me contentment
8. Satisfies my longings
9. Gives me a longing for Jesus
10. Keeps my conscience clear
11. Keeps my heart pure
12. Gives me rest
13. Gives me boldness
14. Makes me kind
15. Increases my patience
16. Helps me to be gentle
17. Gives me compassion
18. Burdens my heart for the needs of others
19. Helps my wrinkles (I smile more)
20. Makes me smile
21. Draws others to the Holy Spirit within me
22. Gives me wisdom
23. Provides clarity
24. Changes me
25. Changes others
26. Changes situations
27. Makes miracles happen
28. Helps my health
29. Keeps me teachable
30. Causes me to trust
31. Helps me to be obedient
32. Provides a conduit for the "still, small voice"
33. Helps me recognize when I don't hear the "still, small voice"
34. Confirms I am a child of God
35. Changes my desires
36. Helps me sleep
37. Gives me an "attitude of gratitude"
38. Deepens my relationship with Jesus
39. Deepens my relationship with my husband
40. Deepens my relationship with friends
41. Gives me favor with my supervisors at work
42. Blesses the lives of those around me
42. Gives me joy
43. Decreases the power of and my reliance on the "flesh"
44. Gives me spiritual breath
45. Causes me to desire the Word of God
46. Bewilders those with worldly wisdom
47. Provides opportunities to share my faith in Jesus
48. Causes me to be strong when I am weak
49. Gives me hope
50. Makes me more like Jesus
51. Gives me victory
52. Helps me to be disciplined
53. Protects me
54. Hides me from my enemy
...and that is just the first 54.
Why oh why, sweet friends, would we spend so much money on wrinkle creams, diet plans and pills, stress releasers, massages (I really like those), self help books, books on how to win friends and influence people, - when we have the power of prayer? There are probably many more benefits that I didn't think of.
When we are children of God through faith in the redeeming power of the blood of His, Son, Jesus, we have a straight line of communication with the God of the Universe. He has every answer to every issue, problem or situation that will ever arise.
He knows our hearts and knows what we need before we even ask (Matt 6:8); but He wants us to communicate with Him because of all of the benefits I just listed. He is NEVER surprised by anything we will ever encounter, any need we will ever have, and appreciates our expressions of praise and gratitude through prayer.
Prayer - it is now one of the identified core values for my life. I am going to consistently draw on its power, yield to its sway, become what it makes me, more like Jesus in every way. How wonderful to be able to pray with all sincerity, "Lord, all of you, and none of me." If I want to see my life changed, time spent in the Word of God and in prayer is my key to victory. It's yours, too. Let's agree to begin afresh seeking the face of God. Can't wait for tomorrow - new mercies and great joy.
And all God's people said, "Amen and Amen." Love to all, Mecca
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