Friday, September 28, 2012
MeccaMusing: Confidence, Courage, Clarity and Favor
MeccaMusing: Confidence, Courage, Clarity and Favor: Dear Ones - I hope you have all had a wonderful week. I have, and the Lord laid something on my heart this morning that I just have to shar...
Confidence, Courage, Clarity and Favor
Dear Ones - I hope you have all had a wonderful week. I have, and the Lord laid something on my heart this morning that I just have to share with you. Are you ready? I'm excited.
I have shared with you before that Frank and I pray together each morning before we leave. Those prayers are sometimes very funny depending on what the previous conversation has been. I am quite sure the Lord thinks they are funny, too.
For instance, one morning this week, as we were getting ready to leave, he jested that the junk mail on the kitchen counter was too much trash lying around (acting like he was upset about it because I am always telling him he is too anal---hate that word but don't know how else to say it--- about cleanliness). He said he just didn't know how we could live like this.
An aside:
When we were younger I didn't think this part of Frank was so funny. Now, I've learned to embrace it (most days), be thankful he cares (I never have to pick up after him), and laugh off the extreme parts. By the way, wives and husbands, the sooner you get to that point about things that bug you about your spouse, the better you will be in many ways. Just sayin'.
OK, one more thing about that. I will never forget hearing Dr. Tim LeHaye advise a group of couples that we should never resent God-given attributes and talents in our mates. We should embrace them, not try to change them, but ask the Lord to strengthen, balance, and refine them. So, go forth and appreciate what until this very moment might have caused you great angst. LOL
Back to the point:
So, after he commented that he didn't know how we could live like this, I didn't miss a beat by saying how worried I was about the dirty sink, etc. Rarely do we walk out together, but this morning we were ready at the same time. Frank grab my hands and began praying, " Lord, thank you for this dirty house, dirty laundry room, dirty back porch; thank you for letting us have a sense of humor, "but most of all thank you for giving us the Confidence, Courage, Clarity and Favor with others for your sake as we rest in you while we work today."
I am going to repeat that---"but most of all thank you for giving us the Confidence, Courage, Clarity and Favor with others for your sake as we rest in you while we work today."
I don't have the pages or the time to write what the Lord has done in both of our lives through that one simple, powerful prayer. I believe the key is asking for those things for His sake.
CONFIDENCE - Phil 1:6 - Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.
Oh my goodness, what a stress reliever. When events aren't about me, and I have the confidence in my Heavenly Daddy to perfect every work He has begun in me, I can truly move through any circumstance with that peace that passes understanding.
People are drawn to that peace, and that gives the Spirit of God in me the ability to draw others to Him. Reminds me of I being in the way, the Lord led me. (Genesis 24:27)
Why did it take me so long to see the simplicity of what it means to just be the vessel and why it is so important that the vessel is clean and yielded? I've known that all of my life. Maybe, it's because I am not really sure I have ever specifically prayed for Clarity before. That is a perfect example of clarity, right?
COURAGE - Joshua 1:9 - Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good Courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. I don't think I really grasp what that means or I would never be fearful again. I also believe that courage can mean not only a lack of fear, uncertainty or intimidation, but it has a physical and moral aspect as well.
Proverbs 8:35 says For whoever finds me [wisdom] finds life and obtains favor from the Lord; Please read that whole chapter. It says that before anything existed, wisdom (feminine gender for all of you egalitarians out there) was there and that when everything was made -- the heavens, the sea and its shores, earth, fields and primal dust, wisdom was there.
God Almighty, the great I Am, Alpha and Omega, OMNISCIENT and OMNIPRESENT did not attempt to create anything without walking with wisdom. The thought of that burned in my soul the power and importance of wisdom.
Here is what that tells me. If God would not attempt to do anything without wisdom, is the servant greater than the master? What a powerful testimonial for the importance of wisdom.
Here is where I get clarity - Proverbs 9:10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. It is as basic and powerful as knowing God through His Word, having the spiritual oxygen through prayer to find clarity of purpose in every day circumstances.
FAVOR - Proverbs 8:35 says For whoever finds me [wisdom] finds life and obtains favor from the Lord; Proverbs 3:3-4 - Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of our heart. So, you will find favor and good success in the sight of God and man.
It has become clear to me (clarity) like never before that favor is the outgrowth of courage because of the Holy Spirit, confidence in the power of the Holy Spirit in me to use my God-given gifts, talents, and knowledge I have gained by knowing and obeying what I know to be true about God.
Mmmm - emote that sound in five syllables with the inflection that comes naturally, and you will understand "groanings that cannot be uttered" because I am just overwhelmed today with the joy that comes from knowing, trusting, and obeying.
(People can't help themselves, they will just love us when we do all of that. Just Kidding - a little flesh welled up in me.)
I am approaching a day full of responsibility with the joy of the Lord. Are you? I wish I could see your sweet faces. Love to all. Mecca
I have shared with you before that Frank and I pray together each morning before we leave. Those prayers are sometimes very funny depending on what the previous conversation has been. I am quite sure the Lord thinks they are funny, too.
For instance, one morning this week, as we were getting ready to leave, he jested that the junk mail on the kitchen counter was too much trash lying around (acting like he was upset about it because I am always telling him he is too anal---hate that word but don't know how else to say it--- about cleanliness). He said he just didn't know how we could live like this.
An aside:
When we were younger I didn't think this part of Frank was so funny. Now, I've learned to embrace it (most days), be thankful he cares (I never have to pick up after him), and laugh off the extreme parts. By the way, wives and husbands, the sooner you get to that point about things that bug you about your spouse, the better you will be in many ways. Just sayin'.
OK, one more thing about that. I will never forget hearing Dr. Tim LeHaye advise a group of couples that we should never resent God-given attributes and talents in our mates. We should embrace them, not try to change them, but ask the Lord to strengthen, balance, and refine them. So, go forth and appreciate what until this very moment might have caused you great angst. LOL
Back to the point:
So, after he commented that he didn't know how we could live like this, I didn't miss a beat by saying how worried I was about the dirty sink, etc. Rarely do we walk out together, but this morning we were ready at the same time. Frank grab my hands and began praying, " Lord, thank you for this dirty house, dirty laundry room, dirty back porch; thank you for letting us have a sense of humor, "but most of all thank you for giving us the Confidence, Courage, Clarity and Favor with others for your sake as we rest in you while we work today."
I am going to repeat that---"but most of all thank you for giving us the Confidence, Courage, Clarity and Favor with others for your sake as we rest in you while we work today."
I don't have the pages or the time to write what the Lord has done in both of our lives through that one simple, powerful prayer. I believe the key is asking for those things for His sake.
CONFIDENCE - Phil 1:6 - Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.
Oh my goodness, what a stress reliever. When events aren't about me, and I have the confidence in my Heavenly Daddy to perfect every work He has begun in me, I can truly move through any circumstance with that peace that passes understanding.
People are drawn to that peace, and that gives the Spirit of God in me the ability to draw others to Him. Reminds me of I being in the way, the Lord led me. (Genesis 24:27)
Why did it take me so long to see the simplicity of what it means to just be the vessel and why it is so important that the vessel is clean and yielded? I've known that all of my life. Maybe, it's because I am not really sure I have ever specifically prayed for Clarity before. That is a perfect example of clarity, right?
COURAGE - Joshua 1:9 - Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good Courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. I don't think I really grasp what that means or I would never be fearful again. I also believe that courage can mean not only a lack of fear, uncertainty or intimidation, but it has a physical and moral aspect as well.
I believe physical courage can mean being able to be strong in the face of physical pain, threat of death, or ongoing physical hardship. Moral courage for me is the ability to dress and act in a right way (especially as a woman) in the face of temptation for attention or seduction in this sorry ole' world, and the courage to make the right decisions about any kind of right and wrong scenario no matter the consequence. What would that mean for your daily walk in the circumstances your face?
God forbid I think I don't have the ability to fall, because as surely as I think I don't, I will. The only reason I should ever be afraid is if I attempt life without the resurrection power of Jesus Christ.
CLARITY - Prov 24:3-4 By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures. I love that verse. A precious, life-long friend of mine is a wonderful artist who scripted and framed that verse for me when Frank and I first married.
It has a powerful message. To me, knowledge is knowing something. Understanding is knowing what is means, and wisdom is knowing how and when to use it. Now here is a fact, a tidbit of knowledge that I saw for the first time in Proverbs 8 about a year ago (after having read through Proverbs hundreds of times).
God Almighty, the great I Am, Alpha and Omega, OMNISCIENT and OMNIPRESENT did not attempt to create anything without walking with wisdom. The thought of that burned in my soul the power and importance of wisdom.
Here is what that tells me. If God would not attempt to do anything without wisdom, is the servant greater than the master? What a powerful testimonial for the importance of wisdom.
Here is where I get clarity - Proverbs 9:10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. It is as basic and powerful as knowing God through His Word, having the spiritual oxygen through prayer to find clarity of purpose in every day circumstances.
FAVOR - Proverbs 8:35 says For whoever finds me [wisdom] finds life and obtains favor from the Lord; Proverbs 3:3-4 - Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of our heart. So, you will find favor and good success in the sight of God and man.
It has become clear to me (clarity) like never before that favor is the outgrowth of courage because of the Holy Spirit, confidence in the power of the Holy Spirit in me to use my God-given gifts, talents, and knowledge I have gained by knowing and obeying what I know to be true about God.
Mmmm - emote that sound in five syllables with the inflection that comes naturally, and you will understand "groanings that cannot be uttered" because I am just overwhelmed today with the joy that comes from knowing, trusting, and obeying.
(People can't help themselves, they will just love us when we do all of that. Just Kidding - a little flesh welled up in me.)
I am approaching a day full of responsibility with the joy of the Lord. Are you? I wish I could see your sweet faces. Love to all. Mecca
Saturday, September 22, 2012
MeccaMusing: So, have you seen Sea Biscuit?
MeccaMusing: So, have you seen Sea Biscuit?: Dear Ones - I had the most wonderful week. I have been unsettled the entire week. There is such a mixed bag of emotions that accompanies ...
So, have you seen Sea Biscuit?
Dear Ones - I had the most wonderful week. I have been unsettled the entire week.
There is such a mixed bag of emotions that accompanies being unsettled for me, especially when I have purposefully ask my Heavenly Daddy to unsettle me, shake me up, use His "spiritual sandpaper" (phrase I heard this week from a wonderful individual I met in a meeting) on me.
You might be thinking "how is that so wonderful?" Well, it all depends on what your definition of wonderful is.
When things happen that only God can orchestrate, when He reveals sin to me, and because of His goodness I repent (Romans 2:4) - not His wrath, not fear of retribution, but because of His faithful loving kindness, I repent, that is "some kind of wonderful." (Did you just think of a secular song? Me, too.)
To each reader who has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, dwell on that for a moment. I mean, stop reading and close your eyes if you need to and remember a time when your Heavenly Daddy loved you back to His arms in repentance. It will thrill your soul just as it did mine. It also reminded me of how He wants me to love others.
Now, if that doesn't bless you, "your blesser is broke," (quote from my pastor when I was growing up).
Several years ago when the Passion of the Christ first came out, it took me awhile to decide if I really wanted to go see it. I had qualms about whether or not it was sacrilegious.
I did decide to go see the passion movie. I couldn't watch all of the time. Often, I put my head down because I just couldn't watch what my mind and heart could not comprehend - seeing in living color what the Lord Jesus went through for me, while realizing that what was displayed on the screen couldn't possibly capture it all.
It revealed enough that it overwhelmed me with humility, grief, sense of loss and being found, love, joy, gratitude - talk about being unsettled. I will never forget when the movie ended, people sat still in the theatre for what seemed like forever, but it was probably just a few minutes. When we decided to move, there was no talking or laughing - just silence.
When we walked out to the lobby, people were laughing and talking, buying and eating popcorn and candy, drinking sodas, holding hands, correcting children, completely unaware of the solemnity of what had occurred on the screen in Showing #2, down the right hallway, first left.
The thought came to mind about how often I go through the busyness of life, completely forgetting the magnitude of what Jesus did for me.
I wondered how different my life would be if I walked so closely to His sweet side that I could feel the scar He carried on my behalf, (John 19:34, Rev. 1:7) and in that moment be silent, waiting for that still, small voice.
The movie, Sea Biscuit, came out about the same time. It was a great movie, true story about the horse named Sea Biscuit that won the triple crown.
During the same time frame that these movies were released, I had been trying to interject conversation about the Lord here and there to the guy that did my hair. During one particular appointment, I asked him if he had seen "The Passion of the Christ." He indicated that he hadn't.
I proceeded to tell him about it. I didn't go into the spiritual detail like I just did with you, but I did share what impact it had on me and how odd it seemed that the people in the lobby weren't more respectful.
He looked at me for a minute. I thought maybe I had reached some place in his heart, until he said, "so, have you seen Sea Biscuit?"
"Now, that right 'thar' is funny, I don't care who you are." Every time I tell that story, we all laugh. It will always be funny, because it is real.
As always, the Lord used it to teach me a lesson. When the Lord is trying to use His "spiritual sandpaper" on me, and I ignore His voice, His gentle attempt at persuasion - I am in reality saying, "So, Lord, have you seen Sea Biscuit?"
In other words, "I'm too busy right now to talk; or, let's change the subject because I surely don't want to talk about that right now or maybe - ever."
The Lord tries to draw us close, to love on us, to whisper what is best; and like a toddler who doesn't want to be in his daddy's lap, we push away, whine, and literally say, 'no'."
Then, in loving kindness, He continues to draw us to himself until we are no longer even thinking about the sea biscuits of the world.
God forbid, that anyone would ignore, whine, push away so hard, so long, and so far that he or she no longer recognized His voice.
That would be a dangerous place to be with monsters of all kind waiting to destroy. They would most likely be successful since we would have placed ourselves in danger without the resurrection power of the helmet, shield, sword, having our feet shod - the whole armor.
My goal each day is to stay close to the cross, to the One who suffered on it, lives to intercede for me - and to take my eyes off of the "sea biscuits" of the world. How about you?
Love to all. I am determined to approach this and every day with joy. Are you? Mecca
There is such a mixed bag of emotions that accompanies being unsettled for me, especially when I have purposefully ask my Heavenly Daddy to unsettle me, shake me up, use His "spiritual sandpaper" (phrase I heard this week from a wonderful individual I met in a meeting) on me.
You might be thinking "how is that so wonderful?" Well, it all depends on what your definition of wonderful is.
When things happen that only God can orchestrate, when He reveals sin to me, and because of His goodness I repent (Romans 2:4) - not His wrath, not fear of retribution, but because of His faithful loving kindness, I repent, that is "some kind of wonderful." (Did you just think of a secular song? Me, too.)
To each reader who has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, dwell on that for a moment. I mean, stop reading and close your eyes if you need to and remember a time when your Heavenly Daddy loved you back to His arms in repentance. It will thrill your soul just as it did mine. It also reminded me of how He wants me to love others.
Now, if that doesn't bless you, "your blesser is broke," (quote from my pastor when I was growing up).
Several years ago when the Passion of the Christ first came out, it took me awhile to decide if I really wanted to go see it. I had qualms about whether or not it was sacrilegious.
I did decide to go see the passion movie. I couldn't watch all of the time. Often, I put my head down because I just couldn't watch what my mind and heart could not comprehend - seeing in living color what the Lord Jesus went through for me, while realizing that what was displayed on the screen couldn't possibly capture it all.
It revealed enough that it overwhelmed me with humility, grief, sense of loss and being found, love, joy, gratitude - talk about being unsettled. I will never forget when the movie ended, people sat still in the theatre for what seemed like forever, but it was probably just a few minutes. When we decided to move, there was no talking or laughing - just silence.
When we walked out to the lobby, people were laughing and talking, buying and eating popcorn and candy, drinking sodas, holding hands, correcting children, completely unaware of the solemnity of what had occurred on the screen in Showing #2, down the right hallway, first left.
The thought came to mind about how often I go through the busyness of life, completely forgetting the magnitude of what Jesus did for me.
I wondered how different my life would be if I walked so closely to His sweet side that I could feel the scar He carried on my behalf, (John 19:34, Rev. 1:7) and in that moment be silent, waiting for that still, small voice.
The movie, Sea Biscuit, came out about the same time. It was a great movie, true story about the horse named Sea Biscuit that won the triple crown.
During the same time frame that these movies were released, I had been trying to interject conversation about the Lord here and there to the guy that did my hair. During one particular appointment, I asked him if he had seen "The Passion of the Christ." He indicated that he hadn't.
I proceeded to tell him about it. I didn't go into the spiritual detail like I just did with you, but I did share what impact it had on me and how odd it seemed that the people in the lobby weren't more respectful.
He looked at me for a minute. I thought maybe I had reached some place in his heart, until he said, "so, have you seen Sea Biscuit?"
"Now, that right 'thar' is funny, I don't care who you are." Every time I tell that story, we all laugh. It will always be funny, because it is real.
As always, the Lord used it to teach me a lesson. When the Lord is trying to use His "spiritual sandpaper" on me, and I ignore His voice, His gentle attempt at persuasion - I am in reality saying, "So, Lord, have you seen Sea Biscuit?"
In other words, "I'm too busy right now to talk; or, let's change the subject because I surely don't want to talk about that right now or maybe - ever."
The Lord tries to draw us close, to love on us, to whisper what is best; and like a toddler who doesn't want to be in his daddy's lap, we push away, whine, and literally say, 'no'."
Then, in loving kindness, He continues to draw us to himself until we are no longer even thinking about the sea biscuits of the world.
God forbid, that anyone would ignore, whine, push away so hard, so long, and so far that he or she no longer recognized His voice.
That would be a dangerous place to be with monsters of all kind waiting to destroy. They would most likely be successful since we would have placed ourselves in danger without the resurrection power of the helmet, shield, sword, having our feet shod - the whole armor.
My goal each day is to stay close to the cross, to the One who suffered on it, lives to intercede for me - and to take my eyes off of the "sea biscuits" of the world. How about you?
Love to all. I am determined to approach this and every day with joy. Are you? Mecca
Sunday, September 16, 2012
MeccaMusing: God is great, Beer is good, People are crazy
MeccaMusing: God is great, Beer is good, People are crazy: That is the name of a country song I heart this week. I thought it was funny and decided to use it to name the blog to get the attention of...
God is great. Beer is good. People are crazy.
That is the name of a country song I heard this week. I thought it was funny and decided to use it to name the blog to get the attention of the readers. If you are reading this. It worked - at least once.
What a wonderful week. I have certainly had my ups and downs, but God is great, haven't had any beer (tasted it one time years ago, and it was really bad; but I know many who have, and they say there is nothing like a cold beer on a hot day), and I have met some crazy people. I think they probably thought I was crazy, too. My mother has said this to me since my earliest memories, "my dear, the whole world is a bit 'queer,' except thee and me, and sometimes, I worry a great deal about thee." I looovvveee that quote. There's no telling where she got it, but I guarantee you even at 88 years of age, she can tell you exactly where it came from.
Yesterday, I was getting ready for dinner in our home with dear friends of ours. Frank had ordered fresh sourdough bread from a wonderful bakery. Below is a brief description of the place where the bakery is located:
When Atlantans want to shop like a chef, they go to Star Provisions, a chef-owned shop filled with fine foie gras, artisan cheese, succulent seafood, decadent desserts and tasteful tableware.
What a wonderful week. I have certainly had my ups and downs, but God is great, haven't had any beer (tasted it one time years ago, and it was really bad; but I know many who have, and they say there is nothing like a cold beer on a hot day), and I have met some crazy people. I think they probably thought I was crazy, too. My mother has said this to me since my earliest memories, "my dear, the whole world is a bit 'queer,' except thee and me, and sometimes, I worry a great deal about thee." I looovvveee that quote. There's no telling where she got it, but I guarantee you even at 88 years of age, she can tell you exactly where it came from.
Yesterday, I was getting ready for dinner in our home with dear friends of ours. Frank had ordered fresh sourdough bread from a wonderful bakery. Below is a brief description of the place where the bakery is located:
When Atlantans want to shop like a chef, they go to Star Provisions, a chef-owned shop filled with fine foie gras, artisan cheese, succulent seafood, decadent desserts and tasteful tableware.
The creation of Anne Quatrano and Clifford Harrison, chef/owners of Atlanta’s acclaimed Bacchanalia Restaurant, Star Provisions was a logical outgrowth of the owners’ passion for providing fine food. As Quatrano says, “We sympathized with our customers’ inability to find black truffles or even good bread in Atlanta. So, we virtually opened our restaurant’s pantry and walk-in to our patrons.
At first glance my experience yesterday was not that great. They lost the order for the bread, so I had to wait about 15 minutes for them to get a loaf of fresh bread made earlier but already sent to the restaurant.
(Imagine that - Frank had ordered it in plenty of time, why should I have to wait?)
The loaf was bigger and better than I had ordered; the baker apologized profusely; and all the while I was thinking he should give it to me without charge since he lost the order.
People were everywhere - you know the kind - savvy, shabby chic, thin, some quite eccentric "looking"; then, there were some wealthy grandparents in their preppy outfits with their grandchildren sitting outside at the picnic tables in front of this "chic" passageway to the only 5 star restaurant in Atlanta.
The little tousle-headed blonde grandchildren were asking every manner of question, and the grandparents were letting them "run the show," intently explaining the answer to every question. You know the scene.
There were shops in the area full of the same kind of people. Pristinely dressed security people were stationed at every corner since all shops had doors open (even the air conditioned ones), and people were streaming in and out.
People were either shopping, eating, or driving cars slowly through the parking lot just waiting for someone to leave. Mercedes, Jaguar, Lexus, junkers and everything between were parked, with their passengers all enjoying the glorious, cloudless, 80 degree Atlanta day.
I sensed no evidence of a recession.
I stood in a very long line waiting to pay for my loaf of bread.
In early childhood education, one of the biggest "no-nos" is requiring children to stand in line for any length of time. They fidget, then start fidgeting with each other, then start fighting, and so on.
Well, I would venture to say that adults are just as bad if not worse. Someone else should have been at the other register. It was poor service to all of us not to be better prepared.
At least that's what I was thinking.
At that very moment, the spirit of God gripped my heart with the following thought, "because of my grace and mercy, you are standing in one of the neatest places in Atlanta - safe, secure, with a loaf of bread bigger and better than you ordered or expected, provided by a courteous gentleman apologetic for a human error, doing everything he could to make it right.
Use this opportunity to wait patiently on Me, be a blessing to someone, and be grateful you aren't living in the Middle East this morning. Because of My grace and mercy, you are blessed beyond all measure with not only all of your needs met but many of your 'wants'."
I had no idea whether or not I was the only Christian in that place, but if I were, I was the only representation of the presence of the Holy Spirit. Do you ever think about that? If you are the only Christian in a situation, you are the only Holy Spirit "host."
I often wonder how cluttered His "space" is within my heart? Is He buried so deep in the shadows that His power is thwarted in my life, or is there open, clear communication so that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is available to me for any situation?
The thought of that reality rocked my small world.
I immediately thought of the scene I saw this morning on my HDTV indicating areas of the world experiencing deadly riots. The continents of Asia, Europe, and Africa were littered with highlighted areas.
Here I stood, privileged, gently rebuked by my Heavenly Daddy (I love His gentleness.). I was safe, feeling good, waiting in line with enough money to pay for a special order loaf of bread in an "upscale" store.
I wanted to stand up on the table and tell everyone to stop fidgeting and griping under their breaths, that they were safe and blessed and to get over themselves. The Lord told me to mind my own business.
Hrrmmph! What in the world? Wasn't spreading His truth my business? He reminded me that He spoke to me about being obedient, and His concern was my obedience, not theirs. I didn't talk back.
When I reached the lady at the register, I noticed she was older, looked tired, and as I approached, she sighed. I told her she was doing a great job. Thanked her for her patience with all of us and told her to have a good day and not to let anybody talk hateful to her. She smiled and seemed relieved.
I will never know what that one act of kindness did for this lady. Only the Lord knows.
Now, that wasn't me. That was Christ in me. The "me" within me was aggravated about the order, irritated about having to wait for it as well as waiting in line to pay for it; but the Holy Spirit within me wanted me to use it as an opportunity to be more like Christ. I am so grateful I listened - that time.
Those of us who have accepted the gift of Jesus' death on the cross for our sins have Christ in us, and He is the hope of glory (Col 1:27). I am determined to become more like Christ, moment by moment, choosing to obey, one command at a time. That is the only way I won't take His greatness and goodness for granted.
God is indeed great. Psalm 63: 7-8 My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.
2 Corinthians 9:8 And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.
I just don't like beer, and people will always be crazy; but I will continue to approach the days with joy because of God's greatness, goodness, grace, and the gift of His sweet, precious Son, Jesus. How about you? Love to all, Mecca
Sunday, September 9, 2012
MeccaMusing: Time Well Spent
MeccaMusing: Time Well Spent: Good Evening sweet friends. It has been an extraordinarily beautiful weekend in my "neck of the woods." I am blessed beyond my wildest dre...
Time Well Spent
Good Evening sweet friends. It has been an extraordinarily beautiful weekend in my "neck of the woods." I am blessed beyond my wildest dreams.
First, I am on my way to Heaven. We have all heard the saying that "we want to go to Heaven, but we just don't want to go on a trainload going today." I am not sure about that anymore. The older I get, the more people I have waiting for me there, the closer I am to the Lord and desiring to see His sweet face, the more I shout the words of Paul inspired by the Holy Spirit when he said, "for me to live is Christ, to die is gain." Phil 1:21
Second, God has given me a certain amount of time, graced me with His love, gifts and talents (Psalm 39: 4-5) and then promised me eternity with Him where time shall be no more (Rev. 10:6). That's a WOW!
There are so many thoughts, impactful quotes, and profound lessons on the subject of time. It is such a precious commodity that once gone, can never be retrieved; and yet, we often foolishly waste it.
Our use of time is important to the Lord or He would not have admonished us to walk in wisdom, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. (Eph. 4:15-16). He wants us to be disciplined with our time. (Oh boy, now I have gone to meddling). What a huge subject for later discussion - at least it is for me.
When we are young, we believe we have all of the time in the world. I can remember thinking when I was 6 that my 7th birthday would never arrive. Now that I am 61, I realize if the Lord doesn't come back, "Please come back, soon" that I will be celebrating my 70th birthday in what feels like a matter of "minutes." This feeling of "hurling time" is exacerbated by my job that requires me to plan about 6 months ahead. It sometimes feels like I miss out on "being in the present" because my focus right now is already in January.
We have also all heard the old adage, "time flies when you are having fun." I have news for you, my time flies, fun or no fun. So, I need to make sure my time is well spent.
Third, There is something precious about time spent with family and people I love - people in whom I have invested time and people who have invested time in me.
My priorities get really out of whack sometimes, and I have been guilty of spending precious time with less important things before spending time with those in whom the Lord has called me to invest, including my family and friends. (Thank you, Frank, Muther, and Suster for continually reminding me of the importance of prioritizing my time and spending the "first fruits" of it with the Lord, then Frank, then those whom the Lord has laid on my heart to love, including family.)
I believe I spent my time wisely this weekend. What a glorious weekend I had with family. Suster and I spent time with family, especially cousins we have loved for a lifetime.
We watched a family member get married in her mother's wedding dress made by the bride's grandmother (now deceased); saw the bridesmaids come down the aisle of the grassy meadow under cloudy skies only to see the clouds part for the sun to shine through just in time to provide the most striking sunlight rays as the bride began her walk to the altar.
We listened to the minister give the message of the gospel, drawing the parallel between the marriage of the bride and groom and believers as the bride of Christ. We were all affected differently by the message.
Some of us were watching the young children, some of us were watching the bride and groom, others were fidgeting over the amount of time the minister spent completing the ceremony. My elderly aunt was heard saying, "if he preaches a regular sermon like he preaches at a wedding, I'm gonna have to take a sandwich to church." (I laughed out loud at that one.)
She thought he spent way too much time on the ceremony; but then when you are 91 and redeeming your time, you might look at at wedding ceremony a little bit differently, too. Right? She was saved, knew where she was spending eternity, and thought it was time for cake. I didn't argue with her.
The sweet bride and groom spent time with their wedding guests. After they left, I decided I needed to get a good night's rest and started to leave about 9:30pm. With a little coercion, I decided to stay for awhile (3:00am). We laughed (the snorting kind) until we cried, told stories, made up stories, enhanced old stories, and created enough memories to last a lifetime.
I woke up this morning physically weary, but grateful for such special time with family. I also woke up to a sweet message from Frank, "did you have fun, please come home, do you want to go on a date tonight?" After 31 years, I am so grateful that my sweet Frank still wants to spend time with me.
The thought that has stood out to me during my musing about time is that the greatest ROI of time (return on investment) is our time spent with the Lord, learning to know Him better, because that is the source of wisdom. When we have wisdom, we have power in life to make smart decisions, including knowing how to spend our time in a way that adds the greatest value to others.
This weekend, I invested the precious commodity of time in others, adding value to their lives. They invested their time in me and added great value to my life as well.
What is the return on your investment of time? Try to make a list of what glory the Lord receives as a result of how you spend your time. I will do it, too. When He is glorified through our lives, then we have invested our time wisely. Love to you all. Still approaching each and every day with joy. Mecca
"The key is in not spending time, but in investing it."
~ Stephen R. Covey
First, I am on my way to Heaven. We have all heard the saying that "we want to go to Heaven, but we just don't want to go on a trainload going today." I am not sure about that anymore. The older I get, the more people I have waiting for me there, the closer I am to the Lord and desiring to see His sweet face, the more I shout the words of Paul inspired by the Holy Spirit when he said, "for me to live is Christ, to die is gain." Phil 1:21
Second, God has given me a certain amount of time, graced me with His love, gifts and talents (Psalm 39: 4-5) and then promised me eternity with Him where time shall be no more (Rev. 10:6). That's a WOW!
There are so many thoughts, impactful quotes, and profound lessons on the subject of time. It is such a precious commodity that once gone, can never be retrieved; and yet, we often foolishly waste it.
Our use of time is important to the Lord or He would not have admonished us to walk in wisdom, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. (Eph. 4:15-16). He wants us to be disciplined with our time. (Oh boy, now I have gone to meddling). What a huge subject for later discussion - at least it is for me.
When we are young, we believe we have all of the time in the world. I can remember thinking when I was 6 that my 7th birthday would never arrive. Now that I am 61, I realize if the Lord doesn't come back, "Please come back, soon" that I will be celebrating my 70th birthday in what feels like a matter of "minutes." This feeling of "hurling time" is exacerbated by my job that requires me to plan about 6 months ahead. It sometimes feels like I miss out on "being in the present" because my focus right now is already in January.
We have also all heard the old adage, "time flies when you are having fun." I have news for you, my time flies, fun or no fun. So, I need to make sure my time is well spent.
Third, There is something precious about time spent with family and people I love - people in whom I have invested time and people who have invested time in me.
My priorities get really out of whack sometimes, and I have been guilty of spending precious time with less important things before spending time with those in whom the Lord has called me to invest, including my family and friends. (Thank you, Frank, Muther, and Suster for continually reminding me of the importance of prioritizing my time and spending the "first fruits" of it with the Lord, then Frank, then those whom the Lord has laid on my heart to love, including family.)
I believe I spent my time wisely this weekend. What a glorious weekend I had with family. Suster and I spent time with family, especially cousins we have loved for a lifetime.
We watched a family member get married in her mother's wedding dress made by the bride's grandmother (now deceased); saw the bridesmaids come down the aisle of the grassy meadow under cloudy skies only to see the clouds part for the sun to shine through just in time to provide the most striking sunlight rays as the bride began her walk to the altar.
We listened to the minister give the message of the gospel, drawing the parallel between the marriage of the bride and groom and believers as the bride of Christ. We were all affected differently by the message.
Some of us were watching the young children, some of us were watching the bride and groom, others were fidgeting over the amount of time the minister spent completing the ceremony. My elderly aunt was heard saying, "if he preaches a regular sermon like he preaches at a wedding, I'm gonna have to take a sandwich to church." (I laughed out loud at that one.)
She thought he spent way too much time on the ceremony; but then when you are 91 and redeeming your time, you might look at at wedding ceremony a little bit differently, too. Right? She was saved, knew where she was spending eternity, and thought it was time for cake. I didn't argue with her.
The sweet bride and groom spent time with their wedding guests. After they left, I decided I needed to get a good night's rest and started to leave about 9:30pm. With a little coercion, I decided to stay for awhile (3:00am). We laughed (the snorting kind) until we cried, told stories, made up stories, enhanced old stories, and created enough memories to last a lifetime.
I woke up this morning physically weary, but grateful for such special time with family. I also woke up to a sweet message from Frank, "did you have fun, please come home, do you want to go on a date tonight?" After 31 years, I am so grateful that my sweet Frank still wants to spend time with me.
The thought that has stood out to me during my musing about time is that the greatest ROI of time (return on investment) is our time spent with the Lord, learning to know Him better, because that is the source of wisdom. When we have wisdom, we have power in life to make smart decisions, including knowing how to spend our time in a way that adds the greatest value to others.
This weekend, I invested the precious commodity of time in others, adding value to their lives. They invested their time in me and added great value to my life as well.
What is the return on your investment of time? Try to make a list of what glory the Lord receives as a result of how you spend your time. I will do it, too. When He is glorified through our lives, then we have invested our time wisely. Love to you all. Still approaching each and every day with joy. Mecca
"The key is in not spending time, but in investing it."
~ Stephen R. Covey
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
MeccaMusing: Amazing Results of Prayer
MeccaMusing: Amazing Results of Prayer: Ok, it's prayer one more time. The more I think about it, read about it, and dwell on it, the more I learn. I started listing the amazing r...
Amazing Results of Prayer
Ok, it's prayer one more time. The more I think about it, read about it, and dwell on it, the more I learn. I started listing the amazing results of unceasing prayer in my own life.
I wish this were an interactive blog so you could add the benefits you have in your own life from unceasing prayer. Here are a few of mine:
1. Keeps me in the presence of God
2. Keeps me from sin
3. Gives me confidence
4. Strengthens my faith
5. Gives me peace
6. Makes even my enemies to be at peace with me
7. Gives me contentment
8. Satisfies my longings
9. Gives me a longing for Jesus
10. Keeps my conscience clear
11. Keeps my heart pure
12. Gives me rest
13. Gives me boldness
14. Makes me kind
15. Increases my patience
16. Helps me to be gentle
17. Gives me compassion
18. Burdens my heart for the needs of others
19. Helps my wrinkles (I smile more)
20. Makes me smile
21. Draws others to the Holy Spirit within me
22. Gives me wisdom
23. Provides clarity
24. Changes me
25. Changes others
26. Changes situations
27. Makes miracles happen
28. Helps my health
29. Keeps me teachable
30. Causes me to trust
31. Helps me to be obedient
32. Provides a conduit for the "still, small voice"
33. Helps me recognize when I don't hear the "still, small voice"
34. Confirms I am a child of God
35. Changes my desires
36. Helps me sleep
37. Gives me an "attitude of gratitude"
38. Deepens my relationship with Jesus
39. Deepens my relationship with my husband
40. Deepens my relationship with friends
41. Gives me favor with my supervisors at work
42. Blesses the lives of those around me
42. Gives me joy
43. Decreases the power of and my reliance on the "flesh"
44. Gives me spiritual breath
45. Causes me to desire the Word of God
46. Bewilders those with worldly wisdom
47. Provides opportunities to share my faith in Jesus
48. Causes me to be strong when I am weak
49. Gives me hope
50. Makes me more like Jesus
51. Gives me victory
52. Helps me to be disciplined
53. Protects me
54. Hides me from my enemy
...and that is just the first 54.
Why oh why, sweet friends, would we spend so much money on wrinkle creams, diet plans and pills, stress releasers, massages (I really like those), self help books, books on how to win friends and influence people, - when we have the power of prayer? There are probably many more benefits that I didn't think of.
When we are children of God through faith in the redeeming power of the blood of His, Son, Jesus, we have a straight line of communication with the God of the Universe. He has every answer to every issue, problem or situation that will ever arise.
He knows our hearts and knows what we need before we even ask (Matt 6:8); but He wants us to communicate with Him because of all of the benefits I just listed. He is NEVER surprised by anything we will ever encounter, any need we will ever have, and appreciates our expressions of praise and gratitude through prayer.
Prayer - it is now one of the identified core values for my life. I am going to consistently draw on its power, yield to its sway, become what it makes me, more like Jesus in every way. How wonderful to be able to pray with all sincerity, "Lord, all of you, and none of me." If I want to see my life changed, time spent in the Word of God and in prayer is my key to victory. It's yours, too. Let's agree to begin afresh seeking the face of God. Can't wait for tomorrow - new mercies and great joy.
And all God's people said, "Amen and Amen." Love to all, Mecca
I wish this were an interactive blog so you could add the benefits you have in your own life from unceasing prayer. Here are a few of mine:
1. Keeps me in the presence of God
2. Keeps me from sin
3. Gives me confidence
4. Strengthens my faith
5. Gives me peace
6. Makes even my enemies to be at peace with me
7. Gives me contentment
8. Satisfies my longings
9. Gives me a longing for Jesus
10. Keeps my conscience clear
11. Keeps my heart pure
12. Gives me rest
13. Gives me boldness
14. Makes me kind
15. Increases my patience
16. Helps me to be gentle
17. Gives me compassion
18. Burdens my heart for the needs of others
19. Helps my wrinkles (I smile more)
20. Makes me smile
21. Draws others to the Holy Spirit within me
22. Gives me wisdom
23. Provides clarity
24. Changes me
25. Changes others
26. Changes situations
27. Makes miracles happen
28. Helps my health
29. Keeps me teachable
30. Causes me to trust
31. Helps me to be obedient
32. Provides a conduit for the "still, small voice"
33. Helps me recognize when I don't hear the "still, small voice"
34. Confirms I am a child of God
35. Changes my desires
36. Helps me sleep
37. Gives me an "attitude of gratitude"
38. Deepens my relationship with Jesus
39. Deepens my relationship with my husband
40. Deepens my relationship with friends
41. Gives me favor with my supervisors at work
42. Blesses the lives of those around me
42. Gives me joy
43. Decreases the power of and my reliance on the "flesh"
44. Gives me spiritual breath
45. Causes me to desire the Word of God
46. Bewilders those with worldly wisdom
47. Provides opportunities to share my faith in Jesus
48. Causes me to be strong when I am weak
49. Gives me hope
50. Makes me more like Jesus
51. Gives me victory
52. Helps me to be disciplined
53. Protects me
54. Hides me from my enemy
...and that is just the first 54.
Why oh why, sweet friends, would we spend so much money on wrinkle creams, diet plans and pills, stress releasers, massages (I really like those), self help books, books on how to win friends and influence people, - when we have the power of prayer? There are probably many more benefits that I didn't think of.
When we are children of God through faith in the redeeming power of the blood of His, Son, Jesus, we have a straight line of communication with the God of the Universe. He has every answer to every issue, problem or situation that will ever arise.
He knows our hearts and knows what we need before we even ask (Matt 6:8); but He wants us to communicate with Him because of all of the benefits I just listed. He is NEVER surprised by anything we will ever encounter, any need we will ever have, and appreciates our expressions of praise and gratitude through prayer.
Prayer - it is now one of the identified core values for my life. I am going to consistently draw on its power, yield to its sway, become what it makes me, more like Jesus in every way. How wonderful to be able to pray with all sincerity, "Lord, all of you, and none of me." If I want to see my life changed, time spent in the Word of God and in prayer is my key to victory. It's yours, too. Let's agree to begin afresh seeking the face of God. Can't wait for tomorrow - new mercies and great joy.
And all God's people said, "Amen and Amen." Love to all, Mecca
Monday, September 3, 2012
MeccaMusing: A Day in the Life
MeccaMusing: A Day in the Life: ...of unceasing Prayer: Still thinking about prayer. Once again, if prayer is my spiritual oxygen, I have to recognize its power and reali...
A Day in the Life
...of unceasing Prayer: Still thinking about prayer. Once again, if prayer is my spiritual oxygen, I have to recognize its power and realize how important it is to keep the power from being short circuited by ensuring there is nothing between my soul and the Savior. When that is accomplished, unceasing prayer is very natural.
I thought I would share with you what a day in the life of unceasing prayer has looked like for me when I have been obedient and walked with the Lord without shame or guilt.
5:30 am - "Good Morning Sweet Jesus, thank you for a good night's sleep. My knees hurt a little bit this morning, but I'm thankful it's not worse as much stair climbing as I did yesterday. Thank you for your mercies that are new this morning and your faithfulness; thank you that Mother is feeling good, and she is still with us. Thank you that Papa is feeling good, and Lord help him to realize he is getting older. He doesn't know it yet.
Thank you........ (and so it goes, acknowledging He is sovereign, asking Him to search my heart; asking forgiveness for any transgression He brings to mind; talking to Him as I would in the familiar relationship with my earthly daddy, trusting His love for me; praying for those people and situations He has laid on my heart, asking for strength to accomplish what I believe He has laid before me to accomplish today; and above all asking Him to help me keep my heart stayed on Him so others will see Jesus in me.)
6:30 am - get a text message saying a meeting has been changed to include a couple of people that I really have a difficult time being around. What I think is neat is that the Lord let me know that. "Lord, you are not surprised by this, and you are allowing it. Please set a watch before my mouth and keep the door of my lips. Help my goal not to be right, but to reflect You. Go before me, help me to see these people as you see them. Give me clarity and sense of purpose, and I will trust you with the outcome."
7:30 am - Frank prays for us both before he leaves for work. (I loved his words that morning)."Lord, thank you that you have taken the venom out of the serpent and the teeth out of the lion's mouth for those of us who belong to you..." He went on to ask for all the host of angels available to watch over my car since I was in a hurry and it was one of those days I might "run over fire hydrants and small children" because I was running late. (I think I have talked about that before.)
8:15 am - Drive to work, "Oh, Lord, thank you so much I saw the huge piece of metal in the road - almost tore up my tire. Whew! Glad those angels were posted. That would have certainly changed my day."
9:45 am - walk by the Crispy Creme donuts, fruit, and other assorted breakfast items as I head for "the" meeting. "Lord, now that 'ain't' right for those donuts to be in my pathway." To which He replies, "either get some fruit or look away and keep walking. You can certainly choose to have a donut, but you and I both know you will not be happy and will be asking me later this evening why I didn't help you. Make the right choice now, and we will rejoice together this evening." I keep walking that time. My conversations with the Lord after failure are much different than they are that evening.
10:00 am - Stop at the door of "the" meeting to thank the Lord for already preparing the way and for His faithfulness. Meeting is a little tense, but God is good, and my reactions honor the Lord. That is all that matters. As I walk out, "thank you, Lord. I appreciated your presence and wisdom." I am not stressed, and donuts don't sound good anymore.
Noon - walk by a co worker's office, "Lord, bless ---, I know she is worried about her son. Comfort her heart and provide me the opportunity to be a blessing to her today." The Lord whispers, "she needs to feel appreciated." I stop to say how much I appreciate everything she does and what a blessing she is to me. That draws a huge smile, and a hug. Isn't that neat? The Lord knows I looooooovvvvveeee a good hug. We are both blessed.
3:00 pm - Spill Diet Coke all over the desk (said I wasn't going to drink them anymore anyway) and I'll be a monkey's uncle if I didn't say "Oh, s---," before I could catch myself. I immediately look around to see if anyone hears me, and whisper, "Lord, I'm so sorry. I've said that enough being funny, that now it comes out when I don't want it to." Forgive me.
3:30 pm - receive an annoying email. I get on it immediately and set the sender straight on the facts. I start to hit the send button, when the Lord whispers, "Wait. Save and read in a little while. If it still sounds right, send it."
4:30 pm - read email again as I am checking on the things I need to complete that day, and while everything I said was correct, and I had the right to say it, it could be softened. I soften it, hit 'send,' and thank the Lord for the wisdom and warning.
5:00 pm - Frank calls, and it is irritating to me because he is bugging me to leave when I know I have to finish a few more things. He is trying to get me to be more balanced in my work - an area where I have never had balance in my life. This time, the conversation has a good outcome since the Lord is whispering, "at least he wants you at home to spend time with you. Not everyone has a husband that cares if she is home or not."
There are several more points before I go to bed that I have these ongoing conversations with the Lord. If life is 10 percent what happens and 90 percent how we respond to it (Chuck Swindoll), think how differently my day could have gone if I had not communicated with the Lord during the day. I would have missed out on blessings, caused issues for myself, and maybe caused a "tiff" between Frank and me.
My spirit is different, the joy of the Lord provides me energy to exercise, I have an "attitude of gratitude," and my sleep is sweet. All of this is because of my spiritual oxygen. Believe me, when my oxygen tube is clipped shut by disobedience, my days are much different.
Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul, for walking with me through every situation in life, for remaining faithful, loving me unconditionally, and for the promise to uphold and sustain through life's journey and lead me safely home. What a friend I have and you have in Jesus. What a Savior. Approaching each day with joy. Mecca
I thought I would share with you what a day in the life of unceasing prayer has looked like for me when I have been obedient and walked with the Lord without shame or guilt.
5:30 am - "Good Morning Sweet Jesus, thank you for a good night's sleep. My knees hurt a little bit this morning, but I'm thankful it's not worse as much stair climbing as I did yesterday. Thank you for your mercies that are new this morning and your faithfulness; thank you that Mother is feeling good, and she is still with us. Thank you that Papa is feeling good, and Lord help him to realize he is getting older. He doesn't know it yet.
Thank you........ (and so it goes, acknowledging He is sovereign, asking Him to search my heart; asking forgiveness for any transgression He brings to mind; talking to Him as I would in the familiar relationship with my earthly daddy, trusting His love for me; praying for those people and situations He has laid on my heart, asking for strength to accomplish what I believe He has laid before me to accomplish today; and above all asking Him to help me keep my heart stayed on Him so others will see Jesus in me.)
6:30 am - get a text message saying a meeting has been changed to include a couple of people that I really have a difficult time being around. What I think is neat is that the Lord let me know that. "Lord, you are not surprised by this, and you are allowing it. Please set a watch before my mouth and keep the door of my lips. Help my goal not to be right, but to reflect You. Go before me, help me to see these people as you see them. Give me clarity and sense of purpose, and I will trust you with the outcome."
7:30 am - Frank prays for us both before he leaves for work. (I loved his words that morning)."Lord, thank you that you have taken the venom out of the serpent and the teeth out of the lion's mouth for those of us who belong to you..." He went on to ask for all the host of angels available to watch over my car since I was in a hurry and it was one of those days I might "run over fire hydrants and small children" because I was running late. (I think I have talked about that before.)
8:15 am - Drive to work, "Oh, Lord, thank you so much I saw the huge piece of metal in the road - almost tore up my tire. Whew! Glad those angels were posted. That would have certainly changed my day."
9:45 am - walk by the Crispy Creme donuts, fruit, and other assorted breakfast items as I head for "the" meeting. "Lord, now that 'ain't' right for those donuts to be in my pathway." To which He replies, "either get some fruit or look away and keep walking. You can certainly choose to have a donut, but you and I both know you will not be happy and will be asking me later this evening why I didn't help you. Make the right choice now, and we will rejoice together this evening." I keep walking that time. My conversations with the Lord after failure are much different than they are that evening.
10:00 am - Stop at the door of "the" meeting to thank the Lord for already preparing the way and for His faithfulness. Meeting is a little tense, but God is good, and my reactions honor the Lord. That is all that matters. As I walk out, "thank you, Lord. I appreciated your presence and wisdom." I am not stressed, and donuts don't sound good anymore.
Noon - walk by a co worker's office, "Lord, bless ---, I know she is worried about her son. Comfort her heart and provide me the opportunity to be a blessing to her today." The Lord whispers, "she needs to feel appreciated." I stop to say how much I appreciate everything she does and what a blessing she is to me. That draws a huge smile, and a hug. Isn't that neat? The Lord knows I looooooovvvvveeee a good hug. We are both blessed.
3:00 pm - Spill Diet Coke all over the desk (said I wasn't going to drink them anymore anyway) and I'll be a monkey's uncle if I didn't say "Oh, s---," before I could catch myself. I immediately look around to see if anyone hears me, and whisper, "Lord, I'm so sorry. I've said that enough being funny, that now it comes out when I don't want it to." Forgive me.
3:30 pm - receive an annoying email. I get on it immediately and set the sender straight on the facts. I start to hit the send button, when the Lord whispers, "Wait. Save and read in a little while. If it still sounds right, send it."
4:30 pm - read email again as I am checking on the things I need to complete that day, and while everything I said was correct, and I had the right to say it, it could be softened. I soften it, hit 'send,' and thank the Lord for the wisdom and warning.
5:00 pm - Frank calls, and it is irritating to me because he is bugging me to leave when I know I have to finish a few more things. He is trying to get me to be more balanced in my work - an area where I have never had balance in my life. This time, the conversation has a good outcome since the Lord is whispering, "at least he wants you at home to spend time with you. Not everyone has a husband that cares if she is home or not."
There are several more points before I go to bed that I have these ongoing conversations with the Lord. If life is 10 percent what happens and 90 percent how we respond to it (Chuck Swindoll), think how differently my day could have gone if I had not communicated with the Lord during the day. I would have missed out on blessings, caused issues for myself, and maybe caused a "tiff" between Frank and me.
My spirit is different, the joy of the Lord provides me energy to exercise, I have an "attitude of gratitude," and my sleep is sweet. All of this is because of my spiritual oxygen. Believe me, when my oxygen tube is clipped shut by disobedience, my days are much different.
Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul, for walking with me through every situation in life, for remaining faithful, loving me unconditionally, and for the promise to uphold and sustain through life's journey and lead me safely home. What a friend I have and you have in Jesus. What a Savior. Approaching each day with joy. Mecca
Saturday, September 1, 2012
What Hinders It?
Prayer - that is. What a great God we have. He is still "holding my feet to the fire" so to speak about prayer. Can't get my mind off of it. Since it is my spiritual oxygen, I need to make sure my prayer life is healthy. I am thinking about what hinders the flow of my spiritual oxygen.
We have all heard the phrase, "that prayer probably didn't go any higher than the ceiling." Somebody was judging, right? But what is it that keeps our prayers stuck at the ceiling and from reaching the throne room of Heaven as a sweet-smelling incense in the presence of God? (Ps. 141:2a)
I don't know about you, but when I was a child, if I were in trouble during the day, and I knew my mother would be discussing it with my daddy when he got home, I didn't run out to greet him like I did when I knew I hadn't done anything wrong (or hadn't been caught yet - LOL). I would stay in my room and dread when he would come in to confront me about what I had done.
In the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve hid from the voice of God, after they had disobeyed His command not to eat of the fruit of The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (Gen. 3). Before, they had always run to greet Him.
When He asked why they were hiding, (He already knew), they said they were naked and ashamed. Then came the intuitive question, "Who told you you were naked? Have you eaten the fruit of the forbidden tree?" Thus, the fall of man. Before, Adam and Eve had no knowledge of evil. Now they did, and their disobedience to what they knew was the command of their Creator caused them not to even want to be in His presence.
There is only one thing that puts a clip on my spiritual oxygen tube - disobedience. When I have sin in my heart, I know I have been disobedient; my own iniquities separate me from God, and my sins cause Him to hide His face from me so that he doesn't hear (Isaiah 59:2).
I could name many ways I can be disobedient to the Lord Jesus (having idols, lack of forgiveness, refusing to turn away from sin God has revealed to me, etc.) I know exactly what He thinks about obedience. He says it is better than sacrifice. (I Sam 15:22).
The Lord Jesus wants me to love Him and obey Him as an attitude of the heart, not for outward show or as some kind of "devotion to earn points with Him," (as if His death wasn't enough.) I read somewhere that "Obedience might include sacrifice, but sacrifice does not always include obedience." Does that make sense?
Sweet friends, how far do you think the east is from the west? Really think about that. I can't fathom it because it is an infinite measurement, and my finite mind can't comprehend it. That is the very reason I believe God used that analogy for how far removed our sins are when we confess them. He is faithful and just to forgive and to cleanse from all unrighteousness. (I John 1:9). He removes them as far as the east is from the west and remembers them no more. How blessed to know that His mercy and faithfulness are new every morning, and we can never confess and ask too many times for forgiveness that He will not hear and forgive.
I love that precious old hymn, "Nothing Between." The chorus says, "Nothing between my soul and the Savior, so that His blessed face may be seen, Nothing preventing the least of His favor, keep the way clear, let nothing between."
"Search me Oh, God and know my heart. Try me and know my thoughts. See if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." (Psalm 139: 23-24.) There is nothing like the Lord Jesus pointing out the thoughts and intents of my heart. He is the only One that knows my heart. It is wicked, but He exchanges the lies of my heart for His truth without condemnation and without ever throwing it in my face again.
Now that wicked ole' devil is another story. He will use our memories to condemn us. SHUT HIM UP when he starts talking trash and reminding you of failures and past sins. I am saying that to myself as well. We can be successful in causing the devil to flee by being obedient (submissive James 4:7) to the Lord Jesus and expressing gratitude to the Lord Jesus for His forgiveness and ongoing presence in our lives. Quote scripture. That will light a fire under his sorry tail.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Lord Jesus for your long suffering towards me. I love you, sweet Jesus. When I wake up with a clean heart, it is so much easier to approach the day with joy, and I do. Love to you all. Mecca
I don't know about you, but when I was a child, if I were in trouble during the day, and I knew my mother would be discussing it with my daddy when he got home, I didn't run out to greet him like I did when I knew I hadn't done anything wrong (or hadn't been caught yet - LOL). I would stay in my room and dread when he would come in to confront me about what I had done.
In the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve hid from the voice of God, after they had disobeyed His command not to eat of the fruit of The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (Gen. 3). Before, they had always run to greet Him.
When He asked why they were hiding, (He already knew), they said they were naked and ashamed. Then came the intuitive question, "Who told you you were naked? Have you eaten the fruit of the forbidden tree?" Thus, the fall of man. Before, Adam and Eve had no knowledge of evil. Now they did, and their disobedience to what they knew was the command of their Creator caused them not to even want to be in His presence.
There is only one thing that puts a clip on my spiritual oxygen tube - disobedience. When I have sin in my heart, I know I have been disobedient; my own iniquities separate me from God, and my sins cause Him to hide His face from me so that he doesn't hear (Isaiah 59:2).
I could name many ways I can be disobedient to the Lord Jesus (having idols, lack of forgiveness, refusing to turn away from sin God has revealed to me, etc.) I know exactly what He thinks about obedience. He says it is better than sacrifice. (I Sam 15:22).
The Lord Jesus wants me to love Him and obey Him as an attitude of the heart, not for outward show or as some kind of "devotion to earn points with Him," (as if His death wasn't enough.) I read somewhere that "Obedience might include sacrifice, but sacrifice does not always include obedience." Does that make sense?
Sweet friends, how far do you think the east is from the west? Really think about that. I can't fathom it because it is an infinite measurement, and my finite mind can't comprehend it. That is the very reason I believe God used that analogy for how far removed our sins are when we confess them. He is faithful and just to forgive and to cleanse from all unrighteousness. (I John 1:9). He removes them as far as the east is from the west and remembers them no more. How blessed to know that His mercy and faithfulness are new every morning, and we can never confess and ask too many times for forgiveness that He will not hear and forgive.
I love that precious old hymn, "Nothing Between." The chorus says, "Nothing between my soul and the Savior, so that His blessed face may be seen, Nothing preventing the least of His favor, keep the way clear, let nothing between."
"Search me Oh, God and know my heart. Try me and know my thoughts. See if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." (Psalm 139: 23-24.) There is nothing like the Lord Jesus pointing out the thoughts and intents of my heart. He is the only One that knows my heart. It is wicked, but He exchanges the lies of my heart for His truth without condemnation and without ever throwing it in my face again.
Now that wicked ole' devil is another story. He will use our memories to condemn us. SHUT HIM UP when he starts talking trash and reminding you of failures and past sins. I am saying that to myself as well. We can be successful in causing the devil to flee by being obedient (submissive James 4:7) to the Lord Jesus and expressing gratitude to the Lord Jesus for His forgiveness and ongoing presence in our lives. Quote scripture. That will light a fire under his sorry tail.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Lord Jesus for your long suffering towards me. I love you, sweet Jesus. When I wake up with a clean heart, it is so much easier to approach the day with joy, and I do. Love to you all. Mecca
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