Monday, July 28, 2014

MeccaMusing: A Daily Orientation to the Heart of God

MeccaMusing: A Daily Orientation to the Heart of God: Dear Ones - I don't usually write this time of the day, but my heart is so full and so appreciative of what my Heavenly Daddy does for m...

A Daily Orientation to the Heart of God

Dear Ones - I don't usually write this time of the day, but my heart is so full and so appreciative of what my Heavenly Daddy does for me nonstop - even when I don't know or deserve it - that I needed to stop and share.  I am thrilled to the depths of my soul that He neither slumbers nor sleeps and that He knows all about me, my deepest longings and greatest needs.  The most exhilarating thing is that He knows them before I do.

Even after I spent time this morning orienting myself to the heart of God, I got to work feeling undervalued, unappreciated, and just having a tiny bit of a pity party.  Isn't that just like me?  I had just spent the last 45 minutes listening to my Heavenly Daddy speak truth into my life through the Daily Audio Bible.  One verse that particularly caught my attention and wooed my heart was Romans 11:36 "For from Him and through Him and for Him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen." 

I had heard that verse many times in my life, but this morning, the sweet Lord Jesus loved me to Himself with those words.  "Mecca, you are here from Me - my creation, and through Me, and for Me; and your life should always reflect my glory. Without Me, you don't exist."

So dear ones, how is it that after that kind of experience, I could enter the workplace and have such feelings?  I will tell you why.

I took my eyes off of Jesus and in less than 5 minutes, I forgot the daily manna from Heaven I had just received - that my life was about His glory.

All of a sudden, I was Elijah - fearful and placing my value in something or someone other than the "Lover of my Soul."  I walked in full of Him, allowing none of me.  And in the blink of an eye, it was all about me and none of Him.  In that instant, I understood exactly how Peter felt.  The very moment I took my focus off of what was real and true, I began to sink. I believed the lie my enemy whispered to me.

My heart cried out, "Dear Lord Jesus, "how do you stand me?"

I condemned myself and before I could even grovel and wax repentant, I received an email from someone attending training in one of our schools sharing the following message with me:

"Mecca, I just thought you would want to know that the trainer today said that next to the founders, and our CEO and President, you had had the greatest influence in her life with company."

That, dear ones, is mercy in all of its glory.  I deserved rebuke, but instead, my Heavenly Daddy sent affirmation in the sweetest, most humbling way.  While I was literally thinking, "how do you stand me," He was already diffusing those negative thoughts with a message that whispered, "stand you? - I
love you, laid down my life for you and wait with exceeding joy to fellowship with  you."

That was a message directly from the heart of the God of the Universe who knows me by name and calls me His own.  It humbled me, blessed me and filled me to my core. It wasn't that someone said that - (I even hesitated to share the particular comment) but that God sent me a message of affirmation when He had the right to rebuke; and He did it in a timely manner and in the words that would mean something to me at that moment and in the context of my self-pity.

That's what my  Heavenly Daddy means when He says, "It is the goodness of God that brings us to repentance."

John 8:10-11 “Then Jesus stood up again and said to the woman, ‘Where are your accusers? Didn’t even one of them condemn you?’ ‘No, Lord,’ she said. And Jesus said, ‘Neither do I.’”

Romans 8:11 "For there is therefore now no condemnation to those who walk in Christ Jesus."

I was ashamed, but not condemned, because He doesn't condemn me.  I repented - not out of guilt but because of His great love and precious tenderness.

Thank you for letting me share my heart - even when it is flagrantly self-centered. I vow in your presence and as my witnesses that I continually desire to orient myself to the great heart of God through His Word and in conversation with Him in prayer.  

My challenge today and the one I leave with you is the challenge my Heavenly Daddy left with me:
  • to do what is just by being fair and honest;
  • to love mercy by showing forgiveness to someone you have the right and authority to rebuke or discipline; and
  • to "walk humbly with your God" by recognizing, reverencing and being obedient to that still small voice.  (Micah 6:8). 
Reminds me of this sweet old hymn. Today, I am going to bask in the joy of Jesus, swim in His endless mercy, and deep-dive in the love of the great heart of my God.   Will you?  Joyfully - Mecca

Take the world, but give me Jesus,
Sweetest comfort of my soul;
With my Savior watching o’er me,
I can sing though billows roll.

Oh, the height and depth of mercy!
Oh, the length and breadth of love!
Oh, the fullness of redemption,
Pledge of endless life above!



Sunday, July 13, 2014

MeccaMusing: Elijah, Why are you here?

MeccaMusing: Elijah, Why are you here?: Dear Ones - I have been to Arkansas, Tyler, Dallas, and Houston, Texas as well as Oklahoma since the last time we shared thoughts from God&#...

Elijah, Why are you here?

Dear Ones - I have been to Arkansas, Tyler, Dallas, and Houston, Texas as well as Oklahoma since the last time we shared thoughts from God's Word.  Frank was with me most of the time.  I have been blest to be with family and friends that I love very much and who love me back.  (They do whether or not some of them will admit it.)  God has been faithful to protect, sustain, teach, guide, show grace and mercy, meet physical, spiritual and emotional needs. It has been tiring and exhilarating at the same time.

As a matter of fact,  in my whole life, God's faithfulness has never waivered.  He has proven Himself over and over.

Yet, this past week I have struggled with melancholy, uncertainty, and yes, a little bit of fear.  I believe God is unsettling me, maybe about to replant my feet.  This girl doesn't like change and will only do it with much internal kicking and screaming, even though I say I trust my Heavenly Daddy explicitly and believe He will not do me harm, but only good.  (Jeremiah 29:11).

I had the privilege of being with my sweet friend, LaRue Skaggs, during my travels, and she shared with me a story of adoption where the little girl was crying and kicking, and actually scared to go with her new adoptive mother because she didn't know her and didn't know what to expect. She was afraid. LaRue made the comment, "if that little girl only knew the love and joy that was waiting for her......" I actually said right then, LaRue, "that is a blog story."

How often do we resist the plans God has for us? And, the "kicker" - (no pun intended) is, we do know Him, say we trust Him, say we worship Him for who He is and have practical understanding of the joy and love we have inherited right here on earth.  I cannot fathom with my finite mind what is in store for me in eternity.  (I Cor. 2:9)

Yet, we (I know I'm not alone in this), are fearful, uncertain and fail to enjoy all of God's greatness in our lives.  I Peter 2:7 refers to the preciousness of believing.  I love that word, "precious."  To me it is something dear, valuable, irreplaceable, a thing to be reverenced for itself.   It reminds me of a line in a chorus we sing, "to you who believe He is precious, Whom having not seen we love...."

I have a 45 minute - 1 hour drive every morning and every afternoon.  I have been listening to the Daily Audio Bible.  What a blessing - talk about putting the workplace in perspective.

The Lord spoke to me very specifically in our study of I Kings 18 and 19.  The story of all that God did through the prophet, Elijah, is thrilling.  God showed Himself powerful and faithful through the drought, protection of over 150 of God's prophets, destruction of Baal's prophets, victory at Mt. Carmel and warp speed energy He gave Elijah to outrun Ahab's chariots to Jezreel.

Elijah expected Jezebel to surrender.  When she did not, but instead sent word that everything God had done to her prophets, she would do to Elijah within 24 hours, he ran out of mortal fear.  He stops in Beersheba - exhausted and broken.  God comes to Him there, and says,"Elijah, why are you here?"

Little miss judgmental said the same thing.  "Yeah, Elijah - unbelievable.  God just did miraculous things, I mean physical things you could see and witness and at first sign of something not going how you expected, you ran."  To which, my Heavenly Daddy whispered, "don't judge Elijah and tell Me what you are doing here?"   Here - in my state of melancholy, uncertainty and yes, a little bit of fear."  That immediately got my attention.  I heard Elijah's answer, (paraphrased) - "Lord, I have been loyal to you, done everything you asked me to do, and now Jezebel wants to kill me, and I'm just going to lie down here and die."  Sounds like a pity party to me.  Hmm,  wonder why I recognize that?

As I listened to the rest of the story, I realized how God in His wisdom knew Elijah could not take correction and rebuke in his present state, so he fed him and sustained him through a 40 day/night journey to Horeb.  The Lord asked him again, "Elijah, why are you here?"  Believe it or not, Elijah gave Him the same answer.

In a precursor to another communication between God and Elijah, rocks crumbled, a mighty wind came, the earth shook,  and then there was fire.  All of these were powerful signs, but God's voice was not in them.

Then a gentle breeze came, and Elijah rose and wrapped his face in a garment and stood in the entrance to the cave where he was resting.  God said a third time, "Elijah, why are you here?" What did Elijah say?  He gave the very same answer.  Isn't it a good thing God is patient with us?

God in His mercy, told Elijah to get up.  I take that as "enough of this."  He gave him the authority to anoint a few kings and promised to save the lives of the 7,000 in Israel that had not bowed the knee to Baal.  Then, He gave Elisha to Elijah to minister to him for the remainder of his journey.

What I learned from this story is that:
  • God is faithful
  • He understands our frailty
  • He is patient with our unbelief no matter how many times we fail
  • He does allow us to go through suffering of consequences (Elijah's cave dwelling and 40 day/night journeys were no picnic)
  • He is a jealous God and does not tolerate our worship of anything or anyone other than Himself.
  • He never leaves us - no matter where we are - we are the ones that run.  
  • He allows "wallowing" for just so long
  • He expects us to put our expectations and hope in Him (not assuming Jezebel will surrender) 
  • As long as we recognize and reverence His voice, He still has work for us to do.  
So, I said to myself, "Mecca, why are you here?"  No more kicking and screaming like you don't believe in the goodness and greatness of God and your personal relationship with His dear Son.  Don't judge others and work on continual communication with your Heavenly Daddy so that you never miss His voice.  For right now, may I challenge you to substitute your name for "Elijah?"  "_______, why are you here?" Do you recognize the voice of your Heavenly Daddy?

Reminds me of another song:  (sung with a bit of a beat so stand up and dance with joy.  Make up your own tune if you don't know it.)  I love you all.  Mecca

O, I love to hear His voice,Saying, "You belong to Me,You are not your own, with a price you're bought,And you're Mine, eternally;"And I love to hear Him say,"I have saved you by My grace."And when I get to glory, it will then be grander still,For I shall see His face.