Saturday, December 27, 2014
MeccaMusing: What a Baby, What a Savior, What a King
MeccaMusing: What a Baby, What a Savior, What a King: Dear Ones - I have been wrapped in the love of Jesus this beautiful Christmas Day, 2014. Something that has been running through my mind is...
Thursday, December 25, 2014
What a Baby, What a Savior, What a King
Dear Ones - I have been wrapped in the love of Jesus this beautiful Christmas Day, 2014. Something that has been running through my mind is the "magnificent personification." This what Dr. David Jeremiah calls our Heavenly Daddy and almighty God personified in a helpless babe.
I recently did a thorough study of the concept of leadership. There are so many books, seminars, training sessions, articles and yes, even sermons on the subject. There's no way I could read them all, but what I did read left me with two main characteristics of a true leader - authenticity and vulnerability.
We are instinctively drawn to people who are real and not afraid to be vulnerable, to admit they don't know everything and are still willing to learn.
Those characteristics are exactly what Jesus personified when He came as a helpless baby. The birth of a baby is something that still mystifies humanity, creates wonder sometimes where there is no hope, gives people a reason to live, to do better, to commit, to step up, to grow up. A baby captures our hearts and draws people together. It is something that cannot be ignored. The birth of a baby is transformational.
At birth we are the most vulnerable. As babies, we are totally dependent on others for everything, including our most basic needs. When we are babies, we are also the most authentic. We have the nature that will allow us to learn the concept of guile and deceit, but as babies we are pretty real about what we need and want and not shy at all about letting someone know by any means necessary.
I know there are many theological reasons that Jesus came as a baby, but I am speaking from my heart today. I am reminded that He came when the Jewish people were in bondage - not in the height of their glory. He was born in a manger, laid down to sleep in a feeding trough.
I read that there was a "touch of glory" in His birth with the bright star and angels declaring his birth, but even they appeared outside the city to the most humble of men - shepherds. He was born in humiliating circumstances, to a virgin whose husband-to-be had to believe this unbelievable story that she had not been with another man.
I will never forget hearing Mark Lowry say that if he had been Mary, he would have asked the angel that declared the news to her to please go tell her mother and daddy, too, because they were never going to believe her. That should illicit a chuckle.
Think about what it took for Joseph to believe her and stand with her. At first he didn't but loved her enough that he was not going disgrace her. I'm sure they were both very grateful for the angel's message to Joseph so he would understand the truth. But the angels didn't tell the neighbors. What do you think they thought?
He grew up in the "backwoods" of Galilee - not known as "the" place to live in those days. His life was characterized by humility and a sense of peace (except when He whipped those boys out of the temple).
He was the perfect example of obedience in all circumstances - even to the death of the cross as my sinless Savior (Phil 2:8). He went through all of the stages of human growth and daily circumstances so that we could see He was not a high priest that didn't know what we were going through, but He was tempted just like we are yet without sin (Hebrews 4:15). He showed wisdom in all circumstances; after all, He created wisdom before he created anything else and walked hand-in-hand with her to create all things (Prov. 8).
What pride and arrogance I can sometimes exhibit. I have so much. I don't need anything, and yet sometimes, I moan and complain about my circumstances. I want to be like Jesus, who was born in humility, lived in humility with the Power of his Father at His beck and call, yet chose to joyfully relinquish it all on my behalf.
Oh the preciousness and power of the "Magnificent Personification." Lord Jesus, I yearn for your peace, your humility, your grace, your meekness. I choose to step aside and beg for all of you and none of me - not just because I'm tired of me, but for the pure, unadulterated joy of knowing you fully and representing you by your grace and mercy in this world.
Don't let us lose the wonder of the blessed night when you first came as a baby, your death, burial and resurrection as our beloved Savior, and your promise of returning as our glorious King to gather us to yourself that where you are, there we will always be (John 14:3).
I will be happy in swaddling clothes, lying in a feeding trough, vulnerable at your feet. What a place of safety - the cleft of the rock. Looking forward with great anticipation to 2015. Maybe this will be the year He comes as my King. Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus. Oh, how I love that name. I love you all. Mecca
I recently did a thorough study of the concept of leadership. There are so many books, seminars, training sessions, articles and yes, even sermons on the subject. There's no way I could read them all, but what I did read left me with two main characteristics of a true leader - authenticity and vulnerability.
We are instinctively drawn to people who are real and not afraid to be vulnerable, to admit they don't know everything and are still willing to learn.
Those characteristics are exactly what Jesus personified when He came as a helpless baby. The birth of a baby is something that still mystifies humanity, creates wonder sometimes where there is no hope, gives people a reason to live, to do better, to commit, to step up, to grow up. A baby captures our hearts and draws people together. It is something that cannot be ignored. The birth of a baby is transformational.
At birth we are the most vulnerable. As babies, we are totally dependent on others for everything, including our most basic needs. When we are babies, we are also the most authentic. We have the nature that will allow us to learn the concept of guile and deceit, but as babies we are pretty real about what we need and want and not shy at all about letting someone know by any means necessary.
I know there are many theological reasons that Jesus came as a baby, but I am speaking from my heart today. I am reminded that He came when the Jewish people were in bondage - not in the height of their glory. He was born in a manger, laid down to sleep in a feeding trough.
I read that there was a "touch of glory" in His birth with the bright star and angels declaring his birth, but even they appeared outside the city to the most humble of men - shepherds. He was born in humiliating circumstances, to a virgin whose husband-to-be had to believe this unbelievable story that she had not been with another man.
I will never forget hearing Mark Lowry say that if he had been Mary, he would have asked the angel that declared the news to her to please go tell her mother and daddy, too, because they were never going to believe her. That should illicit a chuckle.
Think about what it took for Joseph to believe her and stand with her. At first he didn't but loved her enough that he was not going disgrace her. I'm sure they were both very grateful for the angel's message to Joseph so he would understand the truth. But the angels didn't tell the neighbors. What do you think they thought?
He grew up in the "backwoods" of Galilee - not known as "the" place to live in those days. His life was characterized by humility and a sense of peace (except when He whipped those boys out of the temple).
He was the perfect example of obedience in all circumstances - even to the death of the cross as my sinless Savior (Phil 2:8). He went through all of the stages of human growth and daily circumstances so that we could see He was not a high priest that didn't know what we were going through, but He was tempted just like we are yet without sin (Hebrews 4:15). He showed wisdom in all circumstances; after all, He created wisdom before he created anything else and walked hand-in-hand with her to create all things (Prov. 8).
What pride and arrogance I can sometimes exhibit. I have so much. I don't need anything, and yet sometimes, I moan and complain about my circumstances. I want to be like Jesus, who was born in humility, lived in humility with the Power of his Father at His beck and call, yet chose to joyfully relinquish it all on my behalf.
Oh the preciousness and power of the "Magnificent Personification." Lord Jesus, I yearn for your peace, your humility, your grace, your meekness. I choose to step aside and beg for all of you and none of me - not just because I'm tired of me, but for the pure, unadulterated joy of knowing you fully and representing you by your grace and mercy in this world.
Don't let us lose the wonder of the blessed night when you first came as a baby, your death, burial and resurrection as our beloved Savior, and your promise of returning as our glorious King to gather us to yourself that where you are, there we will always be (John 14:3).
I will be happy in swaddling clothes, lying in a feeding trough, vulnerable at your feet. What a place of safety - the cleft of the rock. Looking forward with great anticipation to 2015. Maybe this will be the year He comes as my King. Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus. Oh, how I love that name. I love you all. Mecca
Friday, August 8, 2014
MeccaMusing: When My God's Nostrils Flare...
MeccaMusing: When My God's Nostrils Flare...: Dear Ones - in worshipping this morning with songs and hymns and spiritual songs, there was a powerful emphasis on God as our Warrior. I d...
Sunday, August 3, 2014
MeccaMusing: When My God's Nostrils Flare...
MeccaMusing: When My God's Nostrils Flair...: Dear Ones - in worshipping this morning with songs and hymns and spiritual songs, there was a powerful emphasis on God as our Warrior. I d...
When My God's Nostrils Flare...
Dear Ones - in worshipping this morning with songs and hymns and spiritual songs, there was a powerful emphasis on God as our Warrior. I dwell on the love of God, the heart of God and the way He runs to me and longs to fellowship with me as His child, but do I remember that when His nostrils flare on my behalf, the seas part and He makes a way?
Even when I pray with all of my heart, "Lord, my God, my Heavenly Daddy, none of me, all of you," I don't know that I really remember that the God of the universe who knows me by name is also a Warrior on my behalf in all warfare, in any conflict that concerns me as His child.
Standing with hands raised, on my knees with heart bowed low in reverence, lying prostrate, or sitting in a meeting at work with my heart in any of those positions - I can sing the song of Moses. In Exodus 15, Moses led the people is this song, "The Lord is my strength and song, and He is become my salvation. He is my God, and I will prepare Him an habitation; my father's God, and I will exalt Him. The Lord is a man of war. The Lord is His name...thy right hand O, Lord, is become glorious in power...with the blast of thy nostrils, the waters were gathered together...The Lord shall reign for ever and ever."
I face battles everyday. Only when I am walking in His spirit do I even recognize them as assaults. My arch enemy and my own flesh have one single mission - to destroy the testimony of Jesus in my life. When I try to do it in my own strength, I succumb to defeat; for how can my own flesh fight against itself or its father? Talk about a conflict of interest.
Dear Ones, we are Jesus to someone in this world every day. Join with me in realizing we must feed on His Word, restore our spirits through our spiritual breath in prayer and become the arrow of our God who is our Warrior instead of the target of our enemy. When He fights on our behalf, the yoke is easy, and the burden is light, and we have the strength to continue to serve because He goes before us.
Thank you sweet Jesus, precious Holy Spirit, and glorious God for your constant promise, presence and peace through the strength of God, my Warrior every moment of every day. I love you three in One.
And I love you, too, my sweet family in Christ. Make this a blessed week of victory, resting in Him.
And all God's people said, "Amen and Amen." Joyfully, Mecca
Saturday, August 2, 2014
MeccaMusing: MeccaMusing: A Daily Orientation to the Heart of G...
MeccaMusing: MeccaMusing: A Daily Orientation to the Heart of G...: MeccaMusing: A Daily Orientation to the Heart of God : Dear Ones - I don't usually write this time of the day, but my heart is so full a...
Monday, July 28, 2014
MeccaMusing: A Daily Orientation to the Heart of God
MeccaMusing: A Daily Orientation to the Heart of God: Dear Ones - I don't usually write this time of the day, but my heart is so full and so appreciative of what my Heavenly Daddy does for m...
A Daily Orientation to the Heart of God
Dear Ones - I don't usually write this time of the day, but my heart is so full and so appreciative of what my Heavenly Daddy does for me nonstop - even when I don't know or deserve it - that I needed to stop and share. I am thrilled to the depths of my soul that He neither slumbers nor sleeps and that He knows all about me, my deepest longings and greatest needs. The most exhilarating thing is that He knows them before I do.
Even after I spent time this morning orienting myself to the heart of God, I got to work feeling undervalued, unappreciated, and just having a tiny bit of a pity party. Isn't that just like me? I had just spent the last 45 minutes listening to my Heavenly Daddy speak truth into my life through the Daily Audio Bible. One verse that particularly caught my attention and wooed my heart was Romans 11:36 "For from Him and through Him and for Him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen."
I had heard that verse many times in my life, but this morning, the sweet Lord Jesus loved me to Himself with those words. "Mecca, you are here from Me - my creation, and through Me, and for Me; and your life should always reflect my glory. Without Me, you don't exist."
So dear ones, how is it that after that kind of experience, I could enter the workplace and have such feelings? I will tell you why.
I took my eyes off of Jesus and in less than 5 minutes, I forgot the daily manna from Heaven I had just received - that my life was about His glory.
All of a sudden, I was Elijah - fearful and placing my value in something or someone other than the "Lover of my Soul." I walked in full of Him, allowing none of me. And in the blink of an eye, it was all about me and none of Him. In that instant, I understood exactly how Peter felt. The very moment I took my focus off of what was real and true, I began to sink. I believed the lie my enemy whispered to me.
My heart cried out, "Dear Lord Jesus, "how do you stand me?"
I condemned myself and before I could even grovel and wax repentant, I received an email from someone attending training in one of our schools sharing the following message with me:
"Mecca, I just thought you would want to know that the trainer today said that next to the founders, and our CEO and President, you had had the greatest influence in her life with company."
That, dear ones, is mercy in all of its glory. I deserved rebuke, but instead, my Heavenly Daddy sent affirmation in the sweetest, most humbling way. While I was literally thinking, "how do you stand me," He was already diffusing those negative thoughts with a message that whispered, "stand you? - I
love you, laid down my life for you and wait with exceeding joy to fellowship with you."
That was a message directly from the heart of the God of the Universe who knows me by name and calls me His own. It humbled me, blessed me and filled me to my core. It wasn't that someone said that - (I even hesitated to share the particular comment) but that God sent me a message of affirmation when He had the right to rebuke; and He did it in a timely manner and in the words that would mean something to me at that moment and in the context of my self-pity.
That's what my Heavenly Daddy means when He says, "It is the goodness of God that brings us to repentance."
John 8:10-11 “Then Jesus stood up again and said to the woman, ‘Where are your accusers? Didn’t even one of them condemn you?’ ‘No, Lord,’ she said. And Jesus said, ‘Neither do I.’”
Romans 8:11 "For there is therefore now no condemnation to those who walk in Christ Jesus."
I was ashamed, but not condemned, because He doesn't condemn me. I repented - not out of guilt but because of His great love and precious tenderness.
Thank you for letting me share my heart - even when it is flagrantly self-centered. I vow in your presence and as my witnesses that I continually desire to orient myself to the great heart of God through His Word and in conversation with Him in prayer.
My challenge today and the one I leave with you is the challenge my Heavenly Daddy left with me:
Oh, the height and depth of mercy!
Oh, the length and breadth of love!
Oh, the fullness of redemption,
Pledge of endless life above!
Even after I spent time this morning orienting myself to the heart of God, I got to work feeling undervalued, unappreciated, and just having a tiny bit of a pity party. Isn't that just like me? I had just spent the last 45 minutes listening to my Heavenly Daddy speak truth into my life through the Daily Audio Bible. One verse that particularly caught my attention and wooed my heart was Romans 11:36 "For from Him and through Him and for Him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen."
I had heard that verse many times in my life, but this morning, the sweet Lord Jesus loved me to Himself with those words. "Mecca, you are here from Me - my creation, and through Me, and for Me; and your life should always reflect my glory. Without Me, you don't exist."
So dear ones, how is it that after that kind of experience, I could enter the workplace and have such feelings? I will tell you why.
I took my eyes off of Jesus and in less than 5 minutes, I forgot the daily manna from Heaven I had just received - that my life was about His glory.
All of a sudden, I was Elijah - fearful and placing my value in something or someone other than the "Lover of my Soul." I walked in full of Him, allowing none of me. And in the blink of an eye, it was all about me and none of Him. In that instant, I understood exactly how Peter felt. The very moment I took my focus off of what was real and true, I began to sink. I believed the lie my enemy whispered to me.
My heart cried out, "Dear Lord Jesus, "how do you stand me?"
I condemned myself and before I could even grovel and wax repentant, I received an email from someone attending training in one of our schools sharing the following message with me:
"Mecca, I just thought you would want to know that the trainer today said that next to the founders, and our CEO and President, you had had the greatest influence in her life with company."
That, dear ones, is mercy in all of its glory. I deserved rebuke, but instead, my Heavenly Daddy sent affirmation in the sweetest, most humbling way. While I was literally thinking, "how do you stand me," He was already diffusing those negative thoughts with a message that whispered, "stand you? - I
love you, laid down my life for you and wait with exceeding joy to fellowship with you."
That was a message directly from the heart of the God of the Universe who knows me by name and calls me His own. It humbled me, blessed me and filled me to my core. It wasn't that someone said that - (I even hesitated to share the particular comment) but that God sent me a message of affirmation when He had the right to rebuke; and He did it in a timely manner and in the words that would mean something to me at that moment and in the context of my self-pity.
That's what my Heavenly Daddy means when He says, "It is the goodness of God that brings us to repentance."
John 8:10-11 “Then Jesus stood up again and said to the woman, ‘Where are your accusers? Didn’t even one of them condemn you?’ ‘No, Lord,’ she said. And Jesus said, ‘Neither do I.’”
Romans 8:11 "For there is therefore now no condemnation to those who walk in Christ Jesus."
I was ashamed, but not condemned, because He doesn't condemn me. I repented - not out of guilt but because of His great love and precious tenderness.
Thank you for letting me share my heart - even when it is flagrantly self-centered. I vow in your presence and as my witnesses that I continually desire to orient myself to the great heart of God through His Word and in conversation with Him in prayer.
My challenge today and the one I leave with you is the challenge my Heavenly Daddy left with me:
- to do what is just by being fair and honest;
- to love mercy by showing forgiveness to someone you have the right and authority to rebuke or discipline; and
- to "walk humbly with your God" by recognizing, reverencing and being obedient to that still small voice. (Micah 6:8).
Take the world, but give me Jesus,
Sweetest comfort of my soul;
With my Savior watching o’er me,
I can sing though billows roll.
Oh, the height and depth of mercy!
Oh, the length and breadth of love!
Oh, the fullness of redemption,
Pledge of endless life above!
. |
Sunday, July 13, 2014
MeccaMusing: Elijah, Why are you here?
MeccaMusing: Elijah, Why are you here?: Dear Ones - I have been to Arkansas, Tyler, Dallas, and Houston, Texas as well as Oklahoma since the last time we shared thoughts from God&#...
Elijah, Why are you here?
Dear Ones - I have been to Arkansas, Tyler, Dallas, and Houston, Texas as well as Oklahoma since the last time we shared thoughts from God's Word. Frank was with me most of the time. I have been blest to be with family and friends that I love very much and who love me back. (They do whether or not some of them will admit it.) God has been faithful to protect, sustain, teach, guide, show grace and mercy, meet physical, spiritual and emotional needs. It has been tiring and exhilarating at the same time.
As a matter of fact, in my whole life, God's faithfulness has never waivered. He has proven Himself over and over.
Yet, this past week I have struggled with melancholy, uncertainty, and yes, a little bit of fear. I believe God is unsettling me, maybe about to replant my feet. This girl doesn't like change and will only do it with much internal kicking and screaming, even though I say I trust my Heavenly Daddy explicitly and believe He will not do me harm, but only good. (Jeremiah 29:11).
I had the privilege of being with my sweet friend, LaRue Skaggs, during my travels, and she shared with me a story of adoption where the little girl was crying and kicking, and actually scared to go with her new adoptive mother because she didn't know her and didn't know what to expect. She was afraid. LaRue made the comment, "if that little girl only knew the love and joy that was waiting for her......" I actually said right then, LaRue, "that is a blog story."
How often do we resist the plans God has for us? And, the "kicker" - (no pun intended) is, we do know Him, say we trust Him, say we worship Him for who He is and have practical understanding of the joy and love we have inherited right here on earth. I cannot fathom with my finite mind what is in store for me in eternity. (I Cor. 2:9)
Yet, we (I know I'm not alone in this), are fearful, uncertain and fail to enjoy all of God's greatness in our lives. I Peter 2:7 refers to the preciousness of believing. I love that word, "precious." To me it is something dear, valuable, irreplaceable, a thing to be reverenced for itself. It reminds me of a line in a chorus we sing, "to you who believe He is precious, Whom having not seen we love...."
I have a 45 minute - 1 hour drive every morning and every afternoon. I have been listening to the Daily Audio Bible. What a blessing - talk about putting the workplace in perspective.
The Lord spoke to me very specifically in our study of I Kings 18 and 19. The story of all that God did through the prophet, Elijah, is thrilling. God showed Himself powerful and faithful through the drought, protection of over 150 of God's prophets, destruction of Baal's prophets, victory at Mt. Carmel and warp speed energy He gave Elijah to outrun Ahab's chariots to Jezreel.
Elijah expected Jezebel to surrender. When she did not, but instead sent word that everything God had done to her prophets, she would do to Elijah within 24 hours, he ran out of mortal fear. He stops in Beersheba - exhausted and broken. God comes to Him there, and says,"Elijah, why are you here?"
Little miss judgmental said the same thing. "Yeah, Elijah - unbelievable. God just did miraculous things, I mean physical things you could see and witness and at first sign of something not going how you expected, you ran." To which, my Heavenly Daddy whispered, "don't judge Elijah and tell Me what you are doing here?" Here - in my state of melancholy, uncertainty and yes, a little bit of fear." That immediately got my attention. I heard Elijah's answer, (paraphrased) - "Lord, I have been loyal to you, done everything you asked me to do, and now Jezebel wants to kill me, and I'm just going to lie down here and die." Sounds like a pity party to me. Hmm, wonder why I recognize that?
As I listened to the rest of the story, I realized how God in His wisdom knew Elijah could not take correction and rebuke in his present state, so he fed him and sustained him through a 40 day/night journey to Horeb. The Lord asked him again, "Elijah, why are you here?" Believe it or not, Elijah gave Him the same answer.
In a precursor to another communication between God and Elijah, rocks crumbled, a mighty wind came, the earth shook, and then there was fire. All of these were powerful signs, but God's voice was not in them.
Then a gentle breeze came, and Elijah rose and wrapped his face in a garment and stood in the entrance to the cave where he was resting. God said a third time, "Elijah, why are you here?" What did Elijah say? He gave the very same answer. Isn't it a good thing God is patient with us?
God in His mercy, told Elijah to get up. I take that as "enough of this." He gave him the authority to anoint a few kings and promised to save the lives of the 7,000 in Israel that had not bowed the knee to Baal. Then, He gave Elisha to Elijah to minister to him for the remainder of his journey.
What I learned from this story is that:
Reminds me of another song: (sung with a bit of a beat so stand up and dance with joy. Make up your own tune if you don't know it.) I love you all. Mecca
O, I love to hear His voice,Saying, "You belong to Me,You are not your own, with a price you're bought,And you're Mine, eternally;"And I love to hear Him say,"I have saved you by My grace."And when I get to glory, it will then be grander still,For I shall see His face.
As a matter of fact, in my whole life, God's faithfulness has never waivered. He has proven Himself over and over.
Yet, this past week I have struggled with melancholy, uncertainty, and yes, a little bit of fear. I believe God is unsettling me, maybe about to replant my feet. This girl doesn't like change and will only do it with much internal kicking and screaming, even though I say I trust my Heavenly Daddy explicitly and believe He will not do me harm, but only good. (Jeremiah 29:11).
I had the privilege of being with my sweet friend, LaRue Skaggs, during my travels, and she shared with me a story of adoption where the little girl was crying and kicking, and actually scared to go with her new adoptive mother because she didn't know her and didn't know what to expect. She was afraid. LaRue made the comment, "if that little girl only knew the love and joy that was waiting for her......" I actually said right then, LaRue, "that is a blog story."
How often do we resist the plans God has for us? And, the "kicker" - (no pun intended) is, we do know Him, say we trust Him, say we worship Him for who He is and have practical understanding of the joy and love we have inherited right here on earth. I cannot fathom with my finite mind what is in store for me in eternity. (I Cor. 2:9)
Yet, we (I know I'm not alone in this), are fearful, uncertain and fail to enjoy all of God's greatness in our lives. I Peter 2:7 refers to the preciousness of believing. I love that word, "precious." To me it is something dear, valuable, irreplaceable, a thing to be reverenced for itself. It reminds me of a line in a chorus we sing, "to you who believe He is precious, Whom having not seen we love...."
I have a 45 minute - 1 hour drive every morning and every afternoon. I have been listening to the Daily Audio Bible. What a blessing - talk about putting the workplace in perspective.
The Lord spoke to me very specifically in our study of I Kings 18 and 19. The story of all that God did through the prophet, Elijah, is thrilling. God showed Himself powerful and faithful through the drought, protection of over 150 of God's prophets, destruction of Baal's prophets, victory at Mt. Carmel and warp speed energy He gave Elijah to outrun Ahab's chariots to Jezreel.
Elijah expected Jezebel to surrender. When she did not, but instead sent word that everything God had done to her prophets, she would do to Elijah within 24 hours, he ran out of mortal fear. He stops in Beersheba - exhausted and broken. God comes to Him there, and says,"Elijah, why are you here?"
Little miss judgmental said the same thing. "Yeah, Elijah - unbelievable. God just did miraculous things, I mean physical things you could see and witness and at first sign of something not going how you expected, you ran." To which, my Heavenly Daddy whispered, "don't judge Elijah and tell Me what you are doing here?" Here - in my state of melancholy, uncertainty and yes, a little bit of fear." That immediately got my attention. I heard Elijah's answer, (paraphrased) - "Lord, I have been loyal to you, done everything you asked me to do, and now Jezebel wants to kill me, and I'm just going to lie down here and die." Sounds like a pity party to me. Hmm, wonder why I recognize that?
As I listened to the rest of the story, I realized how God in His wisdom knew Elijah could not take correction and rebuke in his present state, so he fed him and sustained him through a 40 day/night journey to Horeb. The Lord asked him again, "Elijah, why are you here?" Believe it or not, Elijah gave Him the same answer.
In a precursor to another communication between God and Elijah, rocks crumbled, a mighty wind came, the earth shook, and then there was fire. All of these were powerful signs, but God's voice was not in them.
Then a gentle breeze came, and Elijah rose and wrapped his face in a garment and stood in the entrance to the cave where he was resting. God said a third time, "Elijah, why are you here?" What did Elijah say? He gave the very same answer. Isn't it a good thing God is patient with us?
God in His mercy, told Elijah to get up. I take that as "enough of this." He gave him the authority to anoint a few kings and promised to save the lives of the 7,000 in Israel that had not bowed the knee to Baal. Then, He gave Elisha to Elijah to minister to him for the remainder of his journey.
What I learned from this story is that:
- God is faithful
- He understands our frailty
- He is patient with our unbelief no matter how many times we fail
- He does allow us to go through suffering of consequences (Elijah's cave dwelling and 40 day/night journeys were no picnic)
- He is a jealous God and does not tolerate our worship of anything or anyone other than Himself.
- He never leaves us - no matter where we are - we are the ones that run.
- He allows "wallowing" for just so long
- He expects us to put our expectations and hope in Him (not assuming Jezebel will surrender)
- As long as we recognize and reverence His voice, He still has work for us to do.
So, I said to myself, "Mecca, why are you here?" No more kicking and screaming like you don't believe in the goodness and greatness of God and your personal relationship with His dear Son. Don't judge others and work on continual communication with your Heavenly Daddy so that you never miss His voice. For right now, may I challenge you to substitute your name for "Elijah?" "_______, why are you here?" Do you recognize the voice of your Heavenly Daddy?
O, I love to hear His voice,Saying, "You belong to Me,You are not your own, with a price you're bought,And you're Mine, eternally;"And I love to hear Him say,"I have saved you by My grace."And when I get to glory, it will then be grander still,For I shall see His face.
Sunday, June 8, 2014
"Let Go" - So Easy to Say, so Hard to Do.
Dear Ones - I have had so much on my heart and so little time to share. Starting to blog again for me is always like starting to write a new term paper or article. I love the process of doing it, but I often avoid "getting started." So, now you know one of my greatest weaknesses.
For whatever reason, we have raised a generation of "perfectionists." I believe there have always been perfectionists or controllers, but it seems the epidemic is spreading. I have always loved the quote, "Perfectionism is the single most inspiration crushing behavior we can impose on ourselves or others." I don't know who originated it, but it is powerfully true. In my vocation, we use it to illustrate the damage it does to children for adults to pressure them to do things "right" before they are capable of doing it at all.
As a controlling person, what I have found in my own life is that I'm controlling and a perfectionist in public and far less disciplined in private. The more controlling I am with others, the less disciplined I am with myself. I guess it's some sort of compensation for what I lack that no one knows about.
Here is the conundrum for me as a Christian. My God is perfect. His Son is perfect and was the perfect sacrifice to die for my imperfection. (Hebrews 12:2) As a believer in and an acceptor of that full-blood sacrifice, I acknowledge that the only good thing in or about me is His perfection, illustrated daily by His mercy, grace, longsuffering and unfailing forgiveness for all of my imperfections. (Is 64:6) That is a polite word for my utterly decadent nature and complete lack of any thing good except for what Jesus graciously gives me. Oh how joyful I am today that He uses "broken things" for His glory by making all things new.
We are not perfect, and no one ever will be. To try to portray that to the world is my "Pride." I don't want anyone to know I make mistakes. Well, my Heavenly Daddy said to me, "Dear sweet Mecca 'He always calls me sweet even in rebuke and exhortation,' everyone knows you are not perfect, and when you act as if you are (being controlling and wanting it my way), I diminish, you increase, and you know what a mess that makes." "Yes, Sir," I say, and whisper, "all of you, Lord, none of me." (John 3:30) What I know to be true is that the Lord Jesus magnifies his goodness with His power. The more I step back and LET GO, yield to His all sufficiency in every circumstance, the greater my influence for His glory in every circumstance. I think that is what Dr Bob Jones, Sr. meant when he said "for the believer, there is no difference in the secular and sacred." Everything I do must be glorifying to my Heavenly Daddy and therefore, sacred in His sight. When I am walking in that light as His is in that light, I not only am not controlling or trying to be "perfect," I actually have no desire to act with either of those behaviors. Now, isn't that something? He is all sufficient. He is all I need. He is all in all.
Because of what God is teaching me, I was able to write this following note to someone in my office for whom I pray, I am responsible for mentoring, and I work to be an example. I was able to write with clarity about "letting go." This, dear ones, is how God gives us confidence and influence. I would not have been able to do this but for His all sufficient mercy and grace. In fact, I did nothing. He did it all. That keeps me from boasting about anything.
(Name changed to protect the perfectionist in all of us).
Suzy, before this year, I did not have the credibility to
say that to you or anyone else. I have learned (and am still learning,
thank God) the importance of letting go of what I cannot control. It is
vital to my professional and personal growth. It is to yours as
well. Be joyful, my Suzy. Let go of the thing you wanted to happen and embrace what did happen. In the whole
scheme of things, it is not that important.
Dear Ones - I am learning to speak to others the way the sweet Lord Jesus speaks to me. He is absolutely kind, does not hedge the issue, speaks truth into my life. When I receive it, it changes me. When I don't, well..... some of you have been the recipient of "my own goodness." It's very scary and never glorifies the perfect One who sacrificed all so I could be "perfect in Him."
For whatever reason, we have raised a generation of "perfectionists." I believe there have always been perfectionists or controllers, but it seems the epidemic is spreading. I have always loved the quote, "Perfectionism is the single most inspiration crushing behavior we can impose on ourselves or others." I don't know who originated it, but it is powerfully true. In my vocation, we use it to illustrate the damage it does to children for adults to pressure them to do things "right" before they are capable of doing it at all.
As a controlling person, what I have found in my own life is that I'm controlling and a perfectionist in public and far less disciplined in private. The more controlling I am with others, the less disciplined I am with myself. I guess it's some sort of compensation for what I lack that no one knows about.
Here is the conundrum for me as a Christian. My God is perfect. His Son is perfect and was the perfect sacrifice to die for my imperfection. (Hebrews 12:2) As a believer in and an acceptor of that full-blood sacrifice, I acknowledge that the only good thing in or about me is His perfection, illustrated daily by His mercy, grace, longsuffering and unfailing forgiveness for all of my imperfections. (Is 64:6) That is a polite word for my utterly decadent nature and complete lack of any thing good except for what Jesus graciously gives me. Oh how joyful I am today that He uses "broken things" for His glory by making all things new.
We are not perfect, and no one ever will be. To try to portray that to the world is my "Pride." I don't want anyone to know I make mistakes. Well, my Heavenly Daddy said to me, "Dear sweet Mecca 'He always calls me sweet even in rebuke and exhortation,' everyone knows you are not perfect, and when you act as if you are (being controlling and wanting it my way), I diminish, you increase, and you know what a mess that makes." "Yes, Sir," I say, and whisper, "all of you, Lord, none of me." (John 3:30) What I know to be true is that the Lord Jesus magnifies his goodness with His power. The more I step back and LET GO, yield to His all sufficiency in every circumstance, the greater my influence for His glory in every circumstance. I think that is what Dr Bob Jones, Sr. meant when he said "for the believer, there is no difference in the secular and sacred." Everything I do must be glorifying to my Heavenly Daddy and therefore, sacred in His sight. When I am walking in that light as His is in that light, I not only am not controlling or trying to be "perfect," I actually have no desire to act with either of those behaviors. Now, isn't that something? He is all sufficient. He is all I need. He is all in all.
Because of what God is teaching me, I was able to write this following note to someone in my office for whom I pray, I am responsible for mentoring, and I work to be an example. I was able to write with clarity about "letting go." This, dear ones, is how God gives us confidence and influence. I would not have been able to do this but for His all sufficient mercy and grace. In fact, I did nothing. He did it all. That keeps me from boasting about anything.
(Name changed to protect the perfectionist in all of us).
My sweet Suzy – First of all, thank you for what you do,
for your dedication and your clarity of thought. That attribute was so
important today to our success, and you and Olivia did get a lot done.
I know you are concerned about the decision I made earlier today. I want to share something I am still learning about leadership
and “letting go.” Whether or not you agree with it, and whether or not it
was the right decision, it was mine to make.
When I made that decision, it released you from the
responsibility of it and placed any repercussions on me. You expressed your
concern, your disagreement and your reason why. I listened, thought about
it, and made a decision. If you can learn to let go of what you
cannot control, and to enjoy the freedom of that, it will change you. You
will be able to think with even greater clarity, make better decisions, grow
wiser and gain greater credibility with each triumph.
From someone who cares more than you know – Joyfully, MJ
Dear Ones - I am learning to speak to others the way the sweet Lord Jesus speaks to me. He is absolutely kind, does not hedge the issue, speaks truth into my life. When I receive it, it changes me. When I don't, well..... some of you have been the recipient of "my own goodness." It's very scary and never glorifies the perfect One who sacrificed all so I could be "perfect in Him."
My continuous challenge is to begin each day with a beginner's mind, a heart for the truth of God's Word, and the wisdom to treat others the way my Jesus treats me. May I challenge you to do the same. It will revolutionize your life. It produces "joy unspeakable and full of glory."
I love you all very much.
"He is all I need, He is all I need
All, all I need.
He was crucified and for me He died,
Jesus is all I need."
Saturday, March 29, 2014
MeccaMusing: A Lamp, A Light and at all times a Delight!
MeccaMusing: A Lamp, A Light and at all times a Delight!: Good Afternoon dear ones - I woke up very early this Saturday morning. I felt a bit oppressed yesterday and went to bed with one of thos...
Saturday, March 22, 2014
A Lamp, A Light and at all times a Delight!
Good Afternoon dear ones - I woke up very early this Saturday morning. I felt a bit oppressed yesterday and went to bed with one of those "nagging" feelings, like something might be wrong, kinda' thought I knew what it was, but then, decided maybe not.
Everyone of us have had that same feeling. If you haven't, I would like to meet you. I do remember whispering to the Lord as I closed my eyes, "All of you, Lord, none of me. Rest my heart, soul and body. Rest Frank tonight. Let us wake in your likeness. Good night sweet Jesus. Tell my sweet Daddy hello. Thank you that you neither slumber nor sleep."
I don't recall anything else until 5:30am when I woke up rested - but ole' negative Nellie was a bit irritated she hadn't been able to sleep a little bit longer on Saturday. I got over it pretty quickly though.
As I thought about a good night's rest, the powerful presence of my Savior and His mercy towards me, this verse came to mind, "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Ps. 105:119. You might think that doesn't particularly fit; but in that moment I realized that in this busy week of travel, deadlines and expectations from everyone and everything in my life, I had neglected His Word. I rue the day I forget to spend time with the One I say I love above all and not even realize the absence of that lamp, that light, that delight! Its absence in the lives of believers should cause all of us to have a "nagging" or "tugging" at our hearts. Nothing should seem right in our world without the lamp, the light, and the delight and protection it brings.
I read where someone had commented that while we might never uncover all of the mystery and depth of His Word until we are made perfect and have all understanding, His Word is really meant to provide practical everyday guidance as much if not more than it is meant to amaze and challenge. My thought is when I can be amazed and challenged and the Holy Spirit makes it practical for me, (because there's nothing in His way) I am really "walking in the light as He is in the light and have fellowship with others of like mind." I John 1:7
Speaking of practical guidance, I have gotten to the place in my life where my mind just cannot keep up with everything I am trying to accomplish. I don't know if it's age or having too many things going on at the same time. In the past two weeks I have forgotten to take my luggage with me to the airport, gotten cash for a trip and then left it in the car along with my debit card, forgot where I put my credit card, etc. I have walked out of a room, forgotten where I was going or why, retraced my steps, had my "aha" moment, turned around and forgotten again. I saw a greeting card the other day that said, "remember when we used to laugh at old people - what was so d--n funny?" I say, "Exactly!"
These are the times that Frank says I will run over animals, fire hydrants and small children if I'm not more careful.
What I believe is that the Word of God amazes, confounds, illuminates, pierces, discerns, calls out, rebukes, comforts, convicts, wraps me in love, covers me in full armor, gives me wisdom, common sense, faith, perspective, quenches my thirst, feeds my soul, frees me from worry, is forever settled in Heaven, points out the ditches, potholes and traps of life and so much more. Trying to describe alI that God's Word does and means to the very air that I breath is like trying to "fill the ocean with ink or using the sky as parchment." Its benefits and wisdom are eternal and "past finding out." The more I understand the depth of God's Word, the more time I spend with its Illuminator, Author, Finisher of my faith, "light of the world" and the reason we will need no sun or moon in Heaven, the less "nagging" I will feel; and the fewer pot holes or ditches I will experience - and all of the pain as a result of those experiences.
Who can be silent about the infinite power of God's Word? My Heavenly Daddy says if I keep silent, the rocks will cry out. Who can forget it? The sad truth is, I can.
Not Christ in me, but "I" can, save for the constant, precious reminders from His heart to mine. May I never venture so far from the "light" that I don't even recognize it has grown dim and faded. My constant prayer is that I would be saturated in His Word, be filled with Him and void of me so that His light shines brightly - that He can use this broken, empty vessel to fill and use for His honor and glory.
I hope anyone reading this will begin saying on a daily basis, "Lord, none of me, all of you." In every situation, I have never found that prayer to fail. The only way that has happened in my heart is by yielding to His Word, in obedience to His commands with a sincere desire to know the heart of God through His Word.
Now, it you were raised a good Baptist, that sounded just like an invitation. We might be on the 14th verse of Just As I am, and somebody better respond so we can all go home for pot roast, potatoes, onions and carrots or maybe just a hot dog.
And for those of us who grew up in Sunday School, we all learned the simple yet powerful song, "The B-i-b-l-e, yes that's the book for me; I stand alone on the Word of God, the B-i-b-l-e."
Are you humming it now? Shout it, stand on it, believe it, and live it. Glorious, precious peace is waiting for those who do.
It is truly a lamp, a light, and at all times a delight (even as a wielding sword)!
Love to you all. Joyfully, Mecca
Saturday, March 8, 2014
MeccaMusing: MeccaMusing: The Wonder of It All!
Have you read this yet? If so, have you found any "wonder" this week? Please share on Google on FB if this is a blessing to you. Where else could we share this? Wishing you all joy and wonder.
MeccaMusing: MeccaMusing: The Wonder of It All!: MeccaMusing: The Wonder of It All! : Dear Ones - It has been a beautiful weather day here in Atlanta, Georgia. I can see from some of the c...
MeccaMusing: MeccaMusing: The Wonder of It All!: MeccaMusing: The Wonder of It All! : Dear Ones - It has been a beautiful weather day here in Atlanta, Georgia. I can see from some of the c...
Sunday, March 2, 2014
MeccaMusing: The Wonder of It All!
MeccaMusing: The Wonder of It All!: Dear Ones - It has been a beautiful weather day here in Atlanta, Georgia. I can see from some of the comments from family and friends in Te...
The Wonder of It All!
Dear Ones - It has been a beautiful weather day here in Atlanta, Georgia. I can see from some of the comments from family and friends in Texas that it is snowy, and ice is predicted again. We love this weather in Georgia, while those of you in Texas probably don't love the weather you are experiencing - or about to experience.
There are so many scenarios or circumstances with which we could sympathize and empathize, rejoice over, mourn about, and there would never be enough or space to recount them all - weather being one of them. It can stop our plans, ruin our cars, be dangerous to our health, among other things.
I have friends and family today who were not worried about weather. They celebrated birthdays and new born babies, while others mourned the loss of a loved one and gathered to honor a memory of a life cut short.
Some of us celebrated and expressed gratitude for the wonderful, long life of our parents, while others called to ask for prayer for ailing, aging parents or to report someone passed away.
Some of us celebrated great health or might just have great health and didn't even think to celebrate it; while others were ill, have been, don't understand what's wrong and needed prayer for wisdom for doctors.
Others were celebrating great promotions and raises at their jobs, while others were praying and trusting God to meet their needs; because on paper, in the world of what they could see, there was more money going out than coming it, and they were "truly" at God's mercy - but aren't we always at God's mercy? What a blessed place to be. We just don't tend to realize or acknowledge it when all that we see and feel is going well - humanly speaking.
I dearly love the story of George Muller who ran an orphanage in Bristol, England during the 19th century. He said in all of the time he cared for children, he never made his needs known to anyone other than God, and there was never a bill that went unpaid, or a meal that the children missed.
He was a giant of faith and once said, "Faith does not operate in the realm of the possible. There is no glory for God in that which is humanly possible. Faith begins where man's power ends."
One particular story I always remember reading was the time all of the children were seated for breakfast. They had cereal but no milk. Those who were serving the children were anxious and wondered if they should just tell the children to eat the dry cereal. George responded, "no, God knows they need milk with their cereal, and He will provide." To which they exclaimed, "but they need it now." At that moment, they heard a knock at the door. The gentleman delivering milk to the homes in the village told Mr. Muller that the cart had broken, and the milk would spoil before he could get it fixed (before the time of pasteurization) and wanted to know if the orphanage could use it all immediately. Mr. Mueller said they certainly could, thanked the gentleman and told the anxious help to please serve the children milk. Their prayer at breakfast included acknowledging God's hand in supplying the need.
Now to a 21st century story that might seem completely off subject, but just hang in there with me and continue reading. I was visiting the Primrose School on our Support Center Campus, when I stopped to observe a little 4 year-old-boy as he was leaving with his mother. They walked outside, and the door closed and locked behind them. All of a sudden I heard him exclaim, "WOW!" I stopped and opened the door just a bit so I could hear (I know, eavesdropping, right?) His Mom said, "what Jason, what do you see? He said, "Look, Mom, the trash truck is picking up the big trash can (dumpster). Can we stay and watch?" Mom didn't really answer, but stood there holding the little boy's hand as he held his hand over his mouth with eyes big with wonder. After the truck emptied the dumpster, set it back down and pushed all of the trash to compact it, the little boy said, "Mom, isn't that the coolest, neatest thing you have ever seen? That was amazing?" The Mom was sweet to stop for Jason because I am more than sure that as an adult, there was no particular wonder to that event for her - except that Jason saw wonder in it.
One is the story of the kind of faith I wonder if I have ever experienced. Another is the story of the kind of wonder at something that most of us wouldn't even notice or care about. One through the heart of faith made perfect, another through the eyes of a child. Here's the thing, the Lord Himself said our faith must be like the heart of a child, or it's not valid. "Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” Luke 18:17
What is childlike faith - the kind that is perfectly trusting and views every moment of God's mercy, grace and faithfulness with wonder? I recently read something by Dr. Richard Krejcir that I thought beautifully explained childlike faith.
He said it was the "wonder and awe at what Christ did for us. It is a synergy of trust, hope, and unpretentiousness that knows the Lord loves us and will lead us. Because of our trust in the Lord, we are more able to take comfort in Him. Childlike faith sees the world as exciting and adventurous (even the dumpster is a WOW!), and worth pursuing with our faith so opportunities to please God override our complacency and the attitude of "been there, done that," even though we may have. It is a part of us that we should never lose. It enables us to maintain our humbleness and enthusiasm and not become just a subculture or routine! We are not to act like children towards others, but our faith and example must be authentic."
Authentic - real, living with integrity and dignity - none of us and all of Jesus. "Show yourself in all respects to be (A)a model of good works, and in your teaching (walk and talk) (B)show integrity, (C)dignity and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us." Titus 2:7 Webster says that showing dignity means being worthy of honor and respect.
I say this to myself with all sincerity - "Oh, Mecca, don't lose the wonder of Jesus, of His unfailing love, of His cross, of His resurrection power available to you every moment of every day, of every good and perfect gift, of your sight, your health, the wonder of sunset, the joy of spring, the awe of the whole of His creation, the abundance in the grocery story tonight - the trash can and the dumpster, the cart broken at just the right moment, the milk supplied."
I loved to hear George Beverly Shea sing, "The Wonder of It All." Thrills my soul - shoulders raised, big smile, eyes squinted, fists clenched, make me want to squeal thrilled. Here are the words:
There's the wonder at sunset at evening
The wondrous sunrise I see
But the wonder of wonders that thrills my soul
Is the wonder that God loves me
There's the wonder of spring time and harvest
The sky, the stars, the sun
But the wonder of wonders that thrills my soul
Is the wonder that's only begun
The wonder of it all
The wonder of it all
Just to think that God loves me
Oh the wonder of it all
The wonder of it all
Just to think that God loves me
I think of the commercial (can't remember what it was advertising) with the daddy and little boy watching the sunset. As the sun goes down beyond the horizon, the little boy says in a whisper, "Oh Daddy, make it do it again."
We all have an audience with our Heavenly Daddy because of the wonder of His love. We can say with every rising and setting sun, "Daddy, your faithfulness and mercy, show it to me anew, do it again, Daddy, and with all of you and none of me, I will walk with integrity and dignity with purpose and passion, in transparency so that all with whom I come contact know that I have been in your presence."
Good Night, and Sleep Sweet, dear ones. Our Heavenly Daddy neither slumbers nor sleeps but watches over us through the night. Tomorrow is another blessed day of wonder because God loves us. Love to you all, Mecca
There are so many scenarios or circumstances with which we could sympathize and empathize, rejoice over, mourn about, and there would never be enough or space to recount them all - weather being one of them. It can stop our plans, ruin our cars, be dangerous to our health, among other things.
I have friends and family today who were not worried about weather. They celebrated birthdays and new born babies, while others mourned the loss of a loved one and gathered to honor a memory of a life cut short.
Some of us celebrated and expressed gratitude for the wonderful, long life of our parents, while others called to ask for prayer for ailing, aging parents or to report someone passed away.
Some of us celebrated great health or might just have great health and didn't even think to celebrate it; while others were ill, have been, don't understand what's wrong and needed prayer for wisdom for doctors.
Others were celebrating great promotions and raises at their jobs, while others were praying and trusting God to meet their needs; because on paper, in the world of what they could see, there was more money going out than coming it, and they were "truly" at God's mercy - but aren't we always at God's mercy? What a blessed place to be. We just don't tend to realize or acknowledge it when all that we see and feel is going well - humanly speaking.
I dearly love the story of George Muller who ran an orphanage in Bristol, England during the 19th century. He said in all of the time he cared for children, he never made his needs known to anyone other than God, and there was never a bill that went unpaid, or a meal that the children missed.
He was a giant of faith and once said, "Faith does not operate in the realm of the possible. There is no glory for God in that which is humanly possible. Faith begins where man's power ends."
One particular story I always remember reading was the time all of the children were seated for breakfast. They had cereal but no milk. Those who were serving the children were anxious and wondered if they should just tell the children to eat the dry cereal. George responded, "no, God knows they need milk with their cereal, and He will provide." To which they exclaimed, "but they need it now." At that moment, they heard a knock at the door. The gentleman delivering milk to the homes in the village told Mr. Muller that the cart had broken, and the milk would spoil before he could get it fixed (before the time of pasteurization) and wanted to know if the orphanage could use it all immediately. Mr. Mueller said they certainly could, thanked the gentleman and told the anxious help to please serve the children milk. Their prayer at breakfast included acknowledging God's hand in supplying the need.
Now to a 21st century story that might seem completely off subject, but just hang in there with me and continue reading. I was visiting the Primrose School on our Support Center Campus, when I stopped to observe a little 4 year-old-boy as he was leaving with his mother. They walked outside, and the door closed and locked behind them. All of a sudden I heard him exclaim, "WOW!" I stopped and opened the door just a bit so I could hear (I know, eavesdropping, right?) His Mom said, "what Jason, what do you see? He said, "Look, Mom, the trash truck is picking up the big trash can (dumpster). Can we stay and watch?" Mom didn't really answer, but stood there holding the little boy's hand as he held his hand over his mouth with eyes big with wonder. After the truck emptied the dumpster, set it back down and pushed all of the trash to compact it, the little boy said, "Mom, isn't that the coolest, neatest thing you have ever seen? That was amazing?" The Mom was sweet to stop for Jason because I am more than sure that as an adult, there was no particular wonder to that event for her - except that Jason saw wonder in it.
One is the story of the kind of faith I wonder if I have ever experienced. Another is the story of the kind of wonder at something that most of us wouldn't even notice or care about. One through the heart of faith made perfect, another through the eyes of a child. Here's the thing, the Lord Himself said our faith must be like the heart of a child, or it's not valid. "Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” Luke 18:17
What is childlike faith - the kind that is perfectly trusting and views every moment of God's mercy, grace and faithfulness with wonder? I recently read something by Dr. Richard Krejcir that I thought beautifully explained childlike faith.
He said it was the "wonder and awe at what Christ did for us. It is a synergy of trust, hope, and unpretentiousness that knows the Lord loves us and will lead us. Because of our trust in the Lord, we are more able to take comfort in Him. Childlike faith sees the world as exciting and adventurous (even the dumpster is a WOW!), and worth pursuing with our faith so opportunities to please God override our complacency and the attitude of "been there, done that," even though we may have. It is a part of us that we should never lose. It enables us to maintain our humbleness and enthusiasm and not become just a subculture or routine! We are not to act like children towards others, but our faith and example must be authentic."
Authentic - real, living with integrity and dignity - none of us and all of Jesus. "Show yourself in all respects to be (A)a model of good works, and in your teaching (walk and talk) (B)show integrity, (C)dignity and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us." Titus 2:7 Webster says that showing dignity means being worthy of honor and respect.
I say this to myself with all sincerity - "Oh, Mecca, don't lose the wonder of Jesus, of His unfailing love, of His cross, of His resurrection power available to you every moment of every day, of every good and perfect gift, of your sight, your health, the wonder of sunset, the joy of spring, the awe of the whole of His creation, the abundance in the grocery story tonight - the trash can and the dumpster, the cart broken at just the right moment, the milk supplied."
I loved to hear George Beverly Shea sing, "The Wonder of It All." Thrills my soul - shoulders raised, big smile, eyes squinted, fists clenched, make me want to squeal thrilled. Here are the words:
The wondrous sunrise I see
But the wonder of wonders that thrills my soul
Is the wonder that God loves me
There's the wonder of spring time and harvest
The sky, the stars, the sun
But the wonder of wonders that thrills my soul
Is the wonder that's only begun
The wonder of it all
The wonder of it all
Just to think that God loves me
Oh the wonder of it all
The wonder of it all
Just to think that God loves me
I think of the commercial (can't remember what it was advertising) with the daddy and little boy watching the sunset. As the sun goes down beyond the horizon, the little boy says in a whisper, "Oh Daddy, make it do it again."
We all have an audience with our Heavenly Daddy because of the wonder of His love. We can say with every rising and setting sun, "Daddy, your faithfulness and mercy, show it to me anew, do it again, Daddy, and with all of you and none of me, I will walk with integrity and dignity with purpose and passion, in transparency so that all with whom I come contact know that I have been in your presence."
Good Night, and Sleep Sweet, dear ones. Our Heavenly Daddy neither slumbers nor sleeps but watches over us through the night. Tomorrow is another blessed day of wonder because God loves us. Love to you all, Mecca
Saturday, February 15, 2014
MeccaMusing: Tired of Me, Part III - The Continuous and Victori...
MeccaMusing: Tired of Me, Part III - The Continuous and Victori...: Good Evening, Dear Ones - Soooooooo, anyway, as I was saying (back in September), I had been praying, "Lord Jesus, I am asking for all...
Tired of Me, Part III - The Continuous and Victorious Work of the Holy Spirit
Good Evening, Dear Ones - Soooooooo, anyway, as I was saying (back in September), I had been praying, "Lord Jesus, I am asking for all of You, and none of me, no matter the cost." Now you will understand why it has been so long since I have written. Apparently, there was a lot of "me" to get rid of. I have known for about the past month that it was time for me to start writing again, since every day the Lord has been prompting me to share what He has so lovingly accomplished in my life. When Frank told me he had been praying I would start blogging again, I knew it was time.
I believe there are many of us going through crucibles and trials, and that the Lord used my time in the fire to provide comfort and blessing to others going through a similar experience. The readership on the last two blogs was the highest of any blogs I had written. That's when you know the Lord is using it, when others read and pass it to someone else.
I am grateful because anything truly good "cometh down from the Father of lights in whom is no variableness neither shadow of turning." James 1:17. What a firm foundation for living that promise provides. The realization and constant reminder that anything good that happens is because of Him and not because of any merit of my own - provide a constant source of humility and dependency on Him. By the way, being in a constant state of humility and dependence on the only sure thing in this life is a respite for my soul and fills my life with joy.
If you have just a few minutes, keep reading so I can share about the continuous and victorious work of the Holy Spirit in my life.
The main lesson that I learned during my time of testing was that I often got the cart before the horse in my prayer life. Here's the simple but profound truth that penetrated my heart like never before. When I truly prayed, "Lord, today - every moment of this day, let my desire be, 'all of You and none of me,'" all other prayers seemed so much purer and more honoring to the Lord. He commands us to pray according to His will. Have you ever wondered if your heart's desire and the thing for which you were praying was His will? How often have I prayed, "Lord help me keep my mouth shut today." "Lord, help me to be disciplined." "Lord, help me to love you more." "Lord, help me to desire what you desire." "Lord, help me to be a better wife." "Lord, help me to lose weight."
None of those requests are bad, just faulty since I was asking the Lord to dig through the garbage of my heart to "help me." Here's what my precious Heavenly Daddy reminded me of night and day. "Faithful is He who has called you who also will surely do it." I Thes. 5:24. How precious is that. I know He has called me to "set a watch before my mouth," "love the Lord my God with all of my heart, soul...." I know He wants me to take care of my temple and to love my husband more than I love myself. So, I know all of those prayer requests were things that would honor Him - that is, if that was my intent in requesting those things.
Here is what I realized. When my heart's desire is "Lord, all of you and none of me," the more I feed my soul on Him, the less "me" there is to help, and He shows Himself mighty by "doing it." That's what He means when He says, "My yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matt. 11:30. When He does a thing, I am released from the weight of it. When I have to get a massage because my shoulders, neck and back are knotted up from anxiety, I have taken on a weight and burden my Heavenly Daddy never intended for me to carry. That's what all of me and none of Him will do for ya.
When He commands me to forgive, it is only when He is reigning in my heart that I forgive - because He does it through me. When that is a reality to me, there is no way I can take credit, be arrogant or proud. The only way I know to describe when I know the Lord is King of my heart and reigning supreme is "gentle rest and peace." There is truly no reason for worry, because the more of Him and less of me, the more He shows Himself faithful. I'm telling you right now, there's nothing like that kind of peace - the kind the world cannot comprehend. Makes me want to shout.
Here is the other simple yet profound truth I have known all of my life. There are powerful results of being saturated with the Holy Spirit - filled with all of Him and none of me. You know them as the fruits of the spirit - love, peace, faithfulness, joy, goodness, gentleness, patience, self-control, kindness. I actually had someone at work tell me the other day that there is a "gentle beauty" about me lately. Do you know how honoring that was to the Lord and humbling to me - that in spite of my frailty, He wanted to prove Himself faithful? What shone through was His glory. I have found myself being patient, overlooking things that would normally send me into a "tizzy," having peace when everything around me was quaking, having self-control. When we are exhibiting the fruits of the spirit, people are drawn to the light within us. Then, we have the awesome opportunity to be used by our Heavenly Daddy to profess Him before men by explaining the light. I have had the privilege of doing that very thing lately in a more powerful way than ever before.
When the Lord is doing through me what He has called me to do, He does a better job of choosing what to eat and when to exercise. When He is doing a thing, I don't crave and am not obsessed with those things that tend to weigh me down when it is more of me and less of Him, and I am asking for His help as I try to accomplish things in my own flesh.
I am at this time in my life in a constant state of prayerful gratitude for all of God's unfailing kindness and constant promise to never leave or forsake me. After I express my gratitude, my only request then becomes - "Lord all of you and none of me - let this my constant prayer be." He takes care of the rest. I am rejoicing in Him. The more I glory in Him and Him alone, the more crowns I have to lay at His feet. This wonderful song by the Gettys expresses my heart this evening with more grace and clarity than I could possibly express. I love you all. Thanks for your prayers. God is good all of the time. Joyfully yours - Mecca
May this journey bring a blessing
May I rise on wings of faith
And at the end of my heart's testing
With Your likeness let me wake
Jesus draw me ever nearer
As I labor thro' the storm
You have called me to this passage
And I'll follow tho' I'm worn
Jesus guide me thro' the tempest
Keep my spirit staid and sure
When the midnight meets the morning
Let me love You even more
Let the treasures of the trial
Form within me as I go
And at the end of this long passage
Let me leave them at Your throne
I believe there are many of us going through crucibles and trials, and that the Lord used my time in the fire to provide comfort and blessing to others going through a similar experience. The readership on the last two blogs was the highest of any blogs I had written. That's when you know the Lord is using it, when others read and pass it to someone else.
I am grateful because anything truly good "cometh down from the Father of lights in whom is no variableness neither shadow of turning." James 1:17. What a firm foundation for living that promise provides. The realization and constant reminder that anything good that happens is because of Him and not because of any merit of my own - provide a constant source of humility and dependency on Him. By the way, being in a constant state of humility and dependence on the only sure thing in this life is a respite for my soul and fills my life with joy.
If you have just a few minutes, keep reading so I can share about the continuous and victorious work of the Holy Spirit in my life.
The main lesson that I learned during my time of testing was that I often got the cart before the horse in my prayer life. Here's the simple but profound truth that penetrated my heart like never before. When I truly prayed, "Lord, today - every moment of this day, let my desire be, 'all of You and none of me,'" all other prayers seemed so much purer and more honoring to the Lord. He commands us to pray according to His will. Have you ever wondered if your heart's desire and the thing for which you were praying was His will? How often have I prayed, "Lord help me keep my mouth shut today." "Lord, help me to be disciplined." "Lord, help me to love you more." "Lord, help me to desire what you desire." "Lord, help me to be a better wife." "Lord, help me to lose weight."
None of those requests are bad, just faulty since I was asking the Lord to dig through the garbage of my heart to "help me." Here's what my precious Heavenly Daddy reminded me of night and day. "Faithful is He who has called you who also will surely do it." I Thes. 5:24. How precious is that. I know He has called me to "set a watch before my mouth," "love the Lord my God with all of my heart, soul...." I know He wants me to take care of my temple and to love my husband more than I love myself. So, I know all of those prayer requests were things that would honor Him - that is, if that was my intent in requesting those things.
Here is what I realized. When my heart's desire is "Lord, all of you and none of me," the more I feed my soul on Him, the less "me" there is to help, and He shows Himself mighty by "doing it." That's what He means when He says, "My yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matt. 11:30. When He does a thing, I am released from the weight of it. When I have to get a massage because my shoulders, neck and back are knotted up from anxiety, I have taken on a weight and burden my Heavenly Daddy never intended for me to carry. That's what all of me and none of Him will do for ya.
When He commands me to forgive, it is only when He is reigning in my heart that I forgive - because He does it through me. When that is a reality to me, there is no way I can take credit, be arrogant or proud. The only way I know to describe when I know the Lord is King of my heart and reigning supreme is "gentle rest and peace." There is truly no reason for worry, because the more of Him and less of me, the more He shows Himself faithful. I'm telling you right now, there's nothing like that kind of peace - the kind the world cannot comprehend. Makes me want to shout.
Here is the other simple yet profound truth I have known all of my life. There are powerful results of being saturated with the Holy Spirit - filled with all of Him and none of me. You know them as the fruits of the spirit - love, peace, faithfulness, joy, goodness, gentleness, patience, self-control, kindness. I actually had someone at work tell me the other day that there is a "gentle beauty" about me lately. Do you know how honoring that was to the Lord and humbling to me - that in spite of my frailty, He wanted to prove Himself faithful? What shone through was His glory. I have found myself being patient, overlooking things that would normally send me into a "tizzy," having peace when everything around me was quaking, having self-control. When we are exhibiting the fruits of the spirit, people are drawn to the light within us. Then, we have the awesome opportunity to be used by our Heavenly Daddy to profess Him before men by explaining the light. I have had the privilege of doing that very thing lately in a more powerful way than ever before.
When the Lord is doing through me what He has called me to do, He does a better job of choosing what to eat and when to exercise. When He is doing a thing, I don't crave and am not obsessed with those things that tend to weigh me down when it is more of me and less of Him, and I am asking for His help as I try to accomplish things in my own flesh.
I am at this time in my life in a constant state of prayerful gratitude for all of God's unfailing kindness and constant promise to never leave or forsake me. After I express my gratitude, my only request then becomes - "Lord all of you and none of me - let this my constant prayer be." He takes care of the rest. I am rejoicing in Him. The more I glory in Him and Him alone, the more crowns I have to lay at His feet. This wonderful song by the Gettys expresses my heart this evening with more grace and clarity than I could possibly express. I love you all. Thanks for your prayers. God is good all of the time. Joyfully yours - Mecca
May this journey bring a blessing
May I rise on wings of faith
And at the end of my heart's testing
With Your likeness let me wake
Jesus draw me ever nearer
As I labor thro' the storm
You have called me to this passage
And I'll follow tho' I'm worn
Jesus guide me thro' the tempest
Keep my spirit staid and sure
When the midnight meets the morning
Let me love You even more
Let the treasures of the trial
Form within me as I go
And at the end of this long passage
Let me leave them at Your throne
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