Friday, May 31, 2013

MeccaMusing: I Will Never Leave You Nor Forsake You!

MeccaMusing: I Will Never Leave You Nor Forsake You!: It is a beautiful Sunday morning in Atlanta, GA.  Frank took my car to church so he could get it washed and filled up for me.  Of course, I ...

Monday, May 27, 2013

MeccaMusing: I Will Never Leave You Nor Forsake You!

MeccaMusing: I Will Never Leave You Nor Forsake You!: It is a beautiful Sunday morning in Atlanta, GA.  Frank took my car to church so he could get it washed and filled up for me.  Of course, I ...

I Will Never Leave You Nor Forsake You!

It is a beautiful Sunday morning in Atlanta, GA.  Frank took my car to church so he could get it washed and filled up for me.  Of course, I reminded him as he left that I would appreciate more than the $12.99 deal at the car wash, which he tends to do if he is feeling particularly penny pinching.  (No second guessing why I didn't go to church.  Someday I might tell you - or not).

As he left, he kinda shook his head like he was trying to get something out of his ear.   I asked him what was wrong, and he said, "I'm just having trouble with you telling me not to be cheap about something I was trying to do for you as a part of my 'love language.'"

When he came home, my car was the cleanest it had ever been, and he had purchased additional car washes for me, filled up my car and gave me the keys with a smile on his face.

It reminded me of how the Lord listens to me treating him like a "genie in a bottle," telling Him what I need and exactly how I need it, and the Son of the Living God continues to treat me with with respect and unconditional love, always meeting my needs above and beyond anything I could ask or imagine. Long ago, He handed me the keys to life with His death and never complained.

The more I know about Jesus, the more I realize just how well He knows my frailty.  I have always known that with my heart, but why has it taken me so many years just to get the fact that He not only knows my frailty, but He expects it and loves me anyway.  It is unfathomable to me that He does not judge my lack of faith, but He sends me message after message to remind me how to strengthen it and in so doing, see my frailty decrease.

I was thinking this morning (and it would take a lifetime to find all of the references) about all of the verses I have memorized with reinforcement like, "be not afraid, I am Thy God," not I am THE God, which He is, but I am thy God - you are mine and I am yours, Mec." "Trust in me with all of your heart and don't lean on your own understanding,"  "I won't do you harm but good," "cast all of your care upon me," "my yoke is easy, and my burden is light," "you can do anything through my strength," "Rejoice in the Lord alway, did you hear me?  Let me say it again," "I don't slumber or sleep," "I will never Leave you or Forsake you" and on and on.

It is only when I clear away the expectations of others and focus on what He expects of me that I get the message.  He wants me to "love Him, my Lord and my God with all of my heart, soul, and mind" and obey out of love, trusting His faithfulness.  I can only do that because He first loved me.  I can only do that as I yield my will, less of me, more of Him - no - not just less, but none of me and all of Him.

Those moments (which can be few and far between because I am so easily full of myself), when I completely surrender are the moments of victory, peace, joy, and utter delight in the person of Jesus Christ.

Notice, there is a moment of surrender.  I have learned over and over ((I'm hard headed) that it is in the deep moments of decision, heartbreak, suffering, and often remorse that I come to the point of complete surrender.  It is also in the moments of overwhelming gratefulness for His goodness that I come to the point of surrender.  It is often His goodness that brings us to repentance, depending on my needs at the moment. (Romans 2:4)

My prayer every day lately is that I will learn to rejoice with as much glee in the valley, as I do on the mountaintop and to be as mindful of His goodness on the mountaintop.  I can forget how I got there sometimes.

After all, He is my joy and my rejoicing, and He never leaves me and never forsakes me. I heard a preacher say that "leave" indicates the physical while "forsake" indicates the emotional.

I am the apple of His eye, He left the Holy Spirit to indwell me, and He sends people across my path on a daily basis to speak encouragement, even loving rebuke into my life, and He left His Word so that I understand as I feed on it that He has left me with the most amazing emotional source of strength - Himself.

He will never leave me nor forsake me (Hebrews 13:5).  Today, right at this moment, I do believe that with all of my heart, soul, and mind.  Do you?  It will revolutionize the way we live our Christian lives when we really get a grasp on that truth and never let it go.

Oh, How I love Jesus,
Oh, How I love Jesus,
Oh, How I love Jesus,
Because He first loved me.

And All God's people said, "Amen and Amen."  Always approaching the day with joy.  Mecca

Thursday, May 16, 2013

MeccaMusing: Encouraging Discouragement - I am guilty, are you?...

MeccaMusing: Encouraging Discouragement - I am guilty, are you?...: I had a very challenging day, rough waters, darkness rising over the horizon in several areas of my life.  I allowed discouragement into my ...

Encouraging Discouragement - I am guilty, are you?

I had a very challenging day, rough waters, darkness rising over the horizon in several areas of my life.  I allowed discouragement into my private space and actually walked hand-in-hand with it, thereby inviting and actually encouraging its hold on me.  Quite a paradox, eh?  Encouraging discouragement. 

It was comfortable walking with discouragement.  Oh, how I admired my reason for discouragement, wallowed in it, moaned about it, reacted with "I don't have to do this.  I'm old enough now that I just shouldn't have to put up with this."  Actually gave it my joy to destroy.  No thievery here.  I gave it away.

"Woe is me because of my injury..." Jeremiah 10:19.  Or, "Woe is me for I am undone..." Is. 6:5. I allowed - actually that is too passive - I encouraged discouragement to whisper those things into my heart, because it fed me, puffed me up, made me feel like a victim.  I was vindicated.  Ah! I just knew I would feel better, but I didn't.

Dear Ones, I cannot blame my arch enemy for my discouragement.  Today, I was my own worst enemy.

Discouragement didn't even have to knock on my door.  I heard its footsteps and hurried to greet it with open arms exclaiming, "let's be miserable together." Misery does love good company, and I am really good company.

So, have I sufficiently discouraged you as well?  Don't you dare fall victim to this kind of chicanery (great word) like I did.

Spurgeon said, "Trials teach us what we are; they dig up the soil, and we see what we are made of." Let me just say that I didn't like what I saw today.

Yet, the Lord in His unfailing mercy ministered to my heart all day long - even as I ignored Him, replaced Him without shame, and treated Him as if He had no place in my world.

He whispered, "you asked for my best no matter the cost.  This is good for you.  I will not forsake you, You cannot go away from my presence.  There's no where you can be that I will not be there with you - going before you, watching your back, keeping you from stumbling.  If you take the wings of the morning or make your bed in Sheol, I am there.  I do not forsake my children." Psalm 139.

He gently nudged, "hope in me, and I will renew your strength." Is. 40:31, and "cast your care upon me for I care for you." I Peter 5:7, and "trust in me with all of your heart and don't lean on what you think you know about this situation, because I know what is going on, and I am not surprised.  I will direct your path" Prov. 3:5; and, by the way, "the hearts of those I have placed in leadership over your life are in my hand, and I can change them however I choose.  Do you trust me?" Prov. 21:1

And as the sweet, persistent, gentle voice of the Shepherd of my soul finally penetrated that barrier of discouragement that I had allowed to take His place, He gently took my hand from that of discouragement, immediately dispelling its presence and power and filling me with His joy.

His joy became my strength, and wisdom took hold, and I rejoiced knowing I was sheltered safely in His arms, walking by His side with no fear.

Now, the darkness and rough waters have not gone away.  There might even be a tornado or two brewing.  My pastor says we are either just going into a problem, in the middle of a problem, or are just coming out of a problem.

The difference is "even the darkness seems light to those who walk with the Lord."  Psalm 112:4.  How simple when He reigns in my heart and mind, and how utterly impossible when I take hold of the reins of my heart and mind.

"Lord Jesus, forgive me for encouraging discouragement and help me to sleep sweetly under the shadow of your protective wings, and rise on the wings of the morning, approaching the new day that you give me with the joy of you, Lord."

Do any of you know that great old hymn, "Under His Wings"? My sweet Granny loved that song.  When you read the lyrics, you will understand why.

Under His wings, oh, what precious enjoyment!
There will I hide till life's trials are o'er
Sheltered, protected, no evil can harm me,
Resting in Jesus, I'm safe evermore.

Under His wings, Under His wings
Who from His love can sever
Under His wings my soul shall abide, 
Safely abide forever!

My Heavenly Daddy whispered "Mecca, stay close to My heart, and discouragement will flee and tell all of your readers to do the same."   Love to all, Mecca

Sunday, May 12, 2013

MeccaMusing: How Sweet to Walk with the Saviour!

MeccaMusing: How Sweet to Walk with the Saviour!: A Day in the Life ...of walking with Jesus and unceasing prayer.   If prayer is my spiritual oxygen, I have to recognize its power...

How Sweet to Walk with the Saviour!

A Day in the Life
...of walking with Jesus and unceasing prayer.
If prayer is my spiritual oxygen, I have to recognize its power and realize how important it is to keep my relationship with the source of my strength from being short circuited by ensuring there is nothing between my soul and the Savior. When that is accomplished, unceasing prayer is very natural.

I thought I would share with you what a day in the life of unceasing prayer has looked like for me when I have been obedient and walked with the Lord without shame or guilt.

5:30 am - "Good Morning Sweet Jesus, thank you for a good night's sleep. My knees hurt a little bit this morning, but I'm thankful it's not worse as much stair climbing as I did yesterday. Thank you for your mercies that are new this morning and your faithfulness; thank you that Mother is feeling good, and she is still with us. Thank you that Papa is feeling good, and Lord help him to realize he is getting older. He doesn't know it yet.

Thank you........ (and so it goes, acknowledging He is sovereign, asking Him to search my heart; asking forgiveness for any transgression He brings to mind; talking to Him as I would in the familiar relationship with my earthly daddy, trusting His love for me; praying for those people and situations He has laid on my heart, asking for strength to accomplish what I believe He has laid before me to accomplish today; and above all asking Him to help me keep my heart stayed on Him so others will see Jesus in me.)

6:30 am - get a text message saying a meeting has been changed to include a couple of people that I really have a difficult time being around. What I think is neat is that the Lord let me know that. "Lord, you are not surprised by this, and you are allowing it. Please set a watch before my mouth and keep the door of my lips. Help my goal not to be right, but to reflect You. Go before me, help me to see these people as you see them. Give me clarity and sense of purpose, and I will trust you with the outcome."

7:30 am - Frank prays for us both before he leaves for work. (I loved his words that morning)."Lord, thank you that you have taken the venom out of the serpent and the teeth out of the lion's mouth for those of us who belong to you..." He went on to ask for all the host of angels available to watch over my car since I was in a hurry and it was one of those days I might "run over fire hydrants and small children" because I was running late. (I think I have talked about that before.)

8:15 am - Drive to work, "Oh, Lord, thank you so much I saw the huge piece of metal in the road - almost tore up my tire. Whew! Glad those angels were posted. That would have certainly changed my day."

9:45 am - walk by the Crispy Creme donuts, fruit, and other assorted breakfast items as I head for "the" meeting. "Lord, now that 'ain't' right for those donuts to be in my pathway." To which He replies, "either get some fruit or look away and keep walking. You can certainly choose to have a donut, but you and I both know you will not be happy and will be asking me later this evening why I didn't help you. Make the right choice now, and we will rejoice together this evening." I keep walking that time. My conversations with the Lord after failure are much different than they are that evening.

10:00 am - Stop at the door of "the" meeting to thank the Lord for already preparing the way and for His faithfulness. Meeting is a little tense, but God is good, and my reactions honor the Lord. That is all that matters. As I walk out, "thank you, Lord. I appreciated your presence and wisdom." I am not stressed, and donuts don't sound good anymore.

Noon - walk by a co worker's office, "Lord, bless ---, I know she is worried about her son. Comfort her heart and provide me the opportunity to be a blessing to her today." The Lord whispers, "she needs to feel appreciated." I stop to say how much I appreciate everything she does and what a blessing she is to me. That draws a huge smile, and a hug. Isn't that neat? The Lord knows I looooooovvvvveeee a good hug. We are both blessed.

3:00 pm - Spill Diet Coke all over the desk (said I wasn't going to drink them anymore anyway) and I'll be a monkey's uncle if I didn't say "Oh, s---," before I could catch myself. I immediately look around to see if anyone hears me, and whisper, "Lord, I'm so sorry. I've said that enough being funny, that now it comes out when I don't want it to." Forgive me.

3:30 pm - receive an annoying email. I get on it immediately and set the sender straight on the facts. I start to hit the send button, when the Lord whispers, "Wait. Save and read in a little while. If it still sounds right, send it."

4:30 pm - read email again as I am checking on the things I need to complete that day, and while everything I said was correct, and I had the right to say it, it could be softened. I soften it, hit 'send,' and thank the Lord for the wisdom and warning.

5:00 pm - Frank calls, and it is irritating to me because he is bugging me to leave when I know I have to finish a few more things. He is trying to get me to be more balanced in my work - an area where I have never had balance in my life. This time, the conversation has a good outcome since the Lord is whispering, "at least he wants you at home to spend time with you. Not everyone has a husband that cares if she is home or not."

There are several more points before I go to bed that I have these ongoing conversations with the Lord. If life is 10 percent what happens and 90 percent how we respond to it (Chuck Swindoll), think how differently my day could have gone if I had not communicated with the Lord during the day. I would have missed out on blessings, caused issues for myself, and maybe caused a "tiff" between Frank and me.

My spirit is different, the joy of the Lord provides me energy to exercise, I have an "attitude of gratitude," and my sleep is sweet. All of this is because of my spiritual oxygen. Believe me, when my oxygen tube is clipped shut by disobedience, my days are much different.

Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul, for walking with me through every situation in life, for remaining faithful, loving me unconditionally, and for the promise to uphold and sustain through life's journey and lead me safely home. What a friend I have and you have in Jesus. What a Savior. Approaching each day with joy. Mecca

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

MeccaMusing: Time Well Spent

MeccaMusing: Time Well Spent: Good Evening sweet friends.  It has been an extraordinarily beautiful weekend in my "neck of the woods."  I am blessed beyond my w...