Tuesday, July 31, 2012

"Hmmm, thar's a Dawg on it."

Have you ever wanted to learn more about something so you could not only know it for yourself but be able to repeat to others?  Well, Frank has an eye for detail and the ability to remember those details, the history of events or the background associated with a painting or other forms of art, as well as information about the artist.  I have several other family members and friends who are also adept at remembering such details.

I, on the other hand, have to work at remembering the historical background of artifacts, mainly because I don't really care. I am not a good gossip because I can't even get my gossip facts straight.  If I don't care about something, I just don't pay enough attention to remember the details.  

Well, I decided to learn the background about Fu Dogs. Don't ask me why.  I just did.  So, here goes.

We have two large oriental ginger jars - maybe 2 ft tall and 10 in. in diameter at the largest part of the jars.  Each one has a lid with a Fu Dog on it.  Chinese people believe the Fu Dog represents authority and is a guardian against evil power.  

Fu Dogs are the ancient sacred dogs of Asia who guard Buddhist temples.  The association between these dogs and Buddha is one of great significance.  

Fu Dogs have the appearance of a lion.  The lion in the Buddhist religion is seen as sacred and has sometimes been sacrificed to Buddha.  The name given to these guardians originates from China.  

The Chinese word for Buddha is Fo, which led to the original title  Dog of Fo.  There have been other theories that the name developed from the city of Foochow; however, there is no actual proof of this.  Another name given to the creature is Lion of Korea.  

The Fu Dog dates back to the Hans Dynasty - in 206 B.C. There are more impressive facts I could share about the ginger jars, the Fu Dogs on the lids, and the significance of having a pair of them; but I have shared enough to make a point.  

The only thing special about the ginger jars and the Fu Dogs to me is that they are beautiful, and Frank and I bought them together. I was quite proud of myself for learning something significant about the ginger jars and was looking forward to having the opportunity to impress someone with what I knew. 

There have been several electricians, painters, and handymen in and out of the house over the past few weeks, since we are taking our time updating our home.  There are two particular guys with whom I have the most fun.  

They are witty and funny, have worked together for 30 years and "feed off of one another" for having fun while they work. One morning when they were at the house, I was gingerly dusting the ginger jar (pun intended) and lifted the lid off to dust the "Fu Dog" when one of the guys walked by and quipped, "hmmm, thar's a dawg on it." He wasn't trying to be funny, just making an observation.  

There I stood, knowing all of this history about the Fu Dog, which is really neat to know, and I laughed when he made that comment.  For all of the information I had, it was just a "dawg." Now, see, to me that is the better story.

The Lord spoke to me in that instant with this thought.  I spend so much time on things that don't really matter.  I sometimes make things that don't matter to my personal growth or my eternal recompense so important.  Those things in themselves are not bad, but my infatuation with them to the exclusion of what is best is not pleasing to the Lord. My Daddy would always say that the "good in life was the enemy of the best in life."  

Please, please don't get me wrong on this.  There is absolutely nothing wrong and everything right with knowing wonderful details about life, art, music, and other things that interest us.  In fact, it is a gift to love and have a certain affinity for different interests and abilities. I think what the Lord was trying to teach me in that moment was that most things are not nearly as important as I think they are.

When we are admonished not to have other gods before Him, it doesn't just mean graven images, it means anything we put more energy into than loving, knowing, and pleasing the Lord. When we "seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, all these things will be added unto us."  Matthew 6:33 

The words to another wonderful hymn I love are, "Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace."

I am going to continue learning about the "Fu Dogs" of life, but I will strive to keep things in the right perspective by keeping my eyes on the Lord.  The next time something seems overwhelming or I am making a mountain out of a mole hill, I want to remember, it's just a "dawg," and not nearly as important as my pride tells me it is.  You do the same.  Love to you all.  Still approaching these "'dawg' days of summer" with joy.  Mecca

Sunday, July 29, 2012

An Active Conscience

This beautiful Sunday morning I want to share with you how thankful I am when my conscience is pricked about a thing.  Have you ever waked up with a nagging feeling?  You sometimes know exactly what it is, and sometimes you don't. Have you ever ignored that still, small voice?  

I have.  You have too; I just know it.  I have to include you so I will feel better about what I am going to say. Our Heavenly Daddy has taken us into His throne room, sat us on His knee, tried to hold us close and whisper that He doesn't want us troubled and wants to share with us how to have the "mind of Christ."   When we ignore that conscience prick, we are actually ignoring the God of the Universe with a thought "wave of the hand," like we would swat a fly or indicate with a gesture to someone that what he was saying was vastly unimportant in our world.   

Since I have never been a parent, I can only speak to this from my experience as a child and then as an overseer for children I have taught, for nieces and nephews at different times in their lives, for my younger brother and sister, and even as a supervisor in the workplace.  

There is a vast difference in correcting or disciplining because I am angry that someone has disobeyed my rules or inconvenienced me because of his or her disobedience  - and correcting or disciplining because I genuinely want the best for that individual.  I want her to be safe or I want him not to fall in the proverbial ditch or pothole; and I want her to honor the Lord because obedience to God is in the ultimate path to joy.  That is selfless correction and the way our "Heavenly Daddy" approaches us.

I think that difference in motive is what the Lord was talking about when He admonished us not to "provoke [our] children to anger by the way [we] treat them."

This is the point of today's sweet musing.  The Lord woke me up this morning gently whispering in my ear (conscience) in the kindest corrective manner that I needed to make something right in order to be obedient and to have the greatest joy available to me today.  He wanted that for me because "the Lord corrects those He loves, as a father [corrects] the son He delights in." (Proverbs 3:12)

Amazing love - agape love - that my finite mind can barely comprehend.  I share the words to another hymn this morning that reach to the depths of my soul and "almost" help me comprehend the depth of my Heavenly Daddy's love for and delight in me.

"How deep the Father's love for us; how vast beyond all measure; that He should give His only Son and make a wretch His treasure. How great the pain of searing loss; the Father turns His face away; as wounds which mar the Chosen One bring many sons to glory. 

Behold the man upon the cross; my sin upon His shoulder; ashamed I hear my mocking voice call out among the scoffers.  It was my sin that held Him there, Until it was accomplished. 

His dying breath has brought me life; I know that it is finished.I will not boast in anything - no gifts, no power, no wisdom; but I will boast in Jesus Christ, His death and resurrection.Why should I gain from His reward?  I cannot give an answer; but this I know with all my heart, His wounds have paid my ransom

Sweet reader and friend, I want to be thankful for an active conscience that recognizes the still small voice of the One who gave all for my redemption and joy. I am in grave danger if my relationship with the Lord becomes so mundane that I don't even realize I am not hearing His voice, until I need Him for something.  That's pretty much treating our Redeemer as if He is our Genie, right?

I want to share a practical application that I just thought about.  I work for an educational child care company.  We speak often about how important it is to really know the parents and children. We need to know them by name, their likes and dislikes, what they value and hold important, whether or not they are just satisfied or very loyal to us for what we are providing to the child and family every day. 

If we don't make that extra effort, they can be gone, and we don't even realize they have taken their child to another child care facility until we notice they haven't paid or have been absent for an unusual period of time.  The point is, we don't miss them until we need something from them - payment.

"Thank you, sweet Lord Jesus, for running to me because you loved me first and delight in me always.  It is all about You, Sweet Jesus, and your unbelievable, unfathomable agape love. Help me not to ever treat you as my genie, coming to you only when I need something."

As a believer in Jesus Christ and His redemptive power in my life, I have to approach this and every day with JOY.  You do too, if you are a believer and "know what's good for ya."

And all God's people said, "Amen."

Thursday, July 26, 2012

An Open Letter of Gratitude

It's been a long few days.  Frank and I are still working at updating our home.  My mother wisely told us not to kill each other.  That reminded me of something Ruth Graham once said to someone who asked her if she had ever thought of divorcing Billy Graham.  She said, "Divorce - no, murder - yes."

Frank and I are NOT two peas in a pod about a lot of things.  We are the classic example of opposites attracting.  Frank has to have everything in its place. I'm just glad if I can find it most of the time.  As much as we quibble about our inconsequential quirks, Frank and I love each other completely.  Yes, there are some days I want to kill him; but I would miss him, and be sorry he was gone.  My middle name is "Ruth."  Billy's wife and I do have something in common.  She loved her sweet Billy, and I love my sweet Bubba.

My sweet mother (lovingly called "muther") is my hero(ine).  I look back at my childhood and what she accomplished on a daily basis, and I am amazed at her organizational skills, her ability to put her husband and children first, to do without so we could have, and to work full time and still make a hot breakfast and supper for us every day.  She is going to be 89 this year.  Her mind is sharp; her love for the Lord grows stronger every day; and she prays for me, knows me inside out, and loves me completely - as did my daddy (who is in heaven). She is the smartest person I know.  I also have a precious father-in-law who loves me and prays for me daily.  I love you, precious Papa.

My sweet suster and I have always loved each other but have not always liked each other.  I am seven years her senior (but I think I look younger LOL), and I can remember in my high school years, she would snarl at me that she hated me because I thought I was perfect and beautiful, and that everyone loved me.  That was childish lapsus linguae, a mere slip of the tongue.  She couldn't have really meant it (did you suster?).  What she didn't know is that I never thought I was perfect and beautiful, and often wondered if anybody loved me.

If ever there were a sister's bond, it exists between my suster and me.  It is industrial-strength, weapons-grade and grows stronger with time.  We see each other often throughout the year and talk every other day.  Between the two of us, she is the organizer.  About every six months, she will help me reorganize my closet, basement, or kitchen, whichever area needs it the most.  Usually, it's my closet.  I often call her to ask where something is in my own home.  She usually knows.  She loves me completely.

I have two precious brothers who laugh when I laugh, think I'm smart and crazy as h---, and they both love me completely; (some days they just don't know it, and I have to remind them. LOL).   I have in-laws, nieces and nephews, and many other family members who have been such a major part of my life and helped shape who I have become and who love me whether they will admit it every day or not (no denying it from anyone of you).

To my precious friends, the ones that I might see every couple of years, call, text, email, chat with on fb intermittently, and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they love me completely. I can think of four right now.  You each know who you are.

I love having people in my life that know my weaknesses, have seen all of my warts and dimples, aren't surprised to find new ones arriving every day and still love me completely in spite of them all.  I am blessed beyond all measure.  Gratitude is a potent potion.  It can make the heart swell, bring a smile to a weary face, put a little extra skip in a tired step, and humble us all at the same time.

Of all of the opportunities God has given me to love and be loved, the greatest love of all is His love for me.   "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveresLove never fails."  Portion of I Cor. 13 

And I thought my family and friends loved me completely.  As much as they love me, and I love them, there is no comparison to the love of God for each of us.  He laid down His life, sticks closer than a brother, and calls us His friend.

Another favorite hymn - "Could we with ink the ocean fill and were the skies of parchment made; were every stalk on earth a quill, and every man a scribe by trade. To write the love of God above would drain the ocean dry; nor could the scroll contain the whole, though stretched from sky to sky.  O love of God, how rich and pure, how measureless and strong. It shall forevermore endure the saints and angels song."

Sweet readers, try doing what I have attempted to do tonight.  Identify the people in your life who you know love you and have invested themselves in you.  Write them a handwritten thank you note telling each one specifically how he or she has impacted your life.   You will be living out your title, "Friend of God."  I'm going to do it.  Will you do it, too?  

Since joy is the outward manifestation of gratitude, I intend to keep approaching each day with an "attitude of gratitude" and joy.  Gratefully your wife, daughter, suster, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, aunt, cousin, (whatever else I am being called today), and friend - Mecca

Monday, July 23, 2012

Victor or Victim? The Choice is Ours to Make!

My father-in-law was a pastor for many years, and one of the best pieces of advice he ever gave me was, "never make your happiness dependent on any circumstance or anyone other than Jesus."  He would always tell me that I couldn't make it my goal to make everyone else happy because I was just setting myself up for failure.

I have learned that I can never make anyone happy all of the time. In fact, the most freeing realization is that I can't make anyone happy at all.  That is a personal choice each individual has to make for him/herself.

Here is a greater lesson; if I can't make anyone else happy, I shouldn't expect anyone else to make me happy.  What do you think about that?  Does that include my husband?  Husbands, does that include your wives?

Yes and yes.  I will never forget hearing about a young man who told his future wife when he asked her to marry him that he didn't need her in order for him to be happy.  He wanted her and loved her but didn't need her for him to be happy.

My first thought when I heard that was, "well, that's not a very good way to begin a lifelong relationship."  I was 100% wrong.  (I know, where is the recorder when you need it?)  I realized what a precious gift he had given her.  He removed the burden for her to make him happy (something impossible to do anyway, right?)  He also removed the opportunity for him to ever blame her for his unhappiness.

Can you imagine what would happen to all of our relationships if they were based on "wanting" to be a friend, companion, husband, wife - instead of establishing those relationships because we need them?

Frank's dad also gave some great marriage counseling from the pulpit.  He would often say, "when you have found someone that you want to "do for" instead of someone you want "to do" for you, you have the best chance for a successful marriage." Wow! What a concept.

I can't tell you how many times in the 31 years I have been married to Frank that he has disappointed me by not meeting my expectations.  You might be wondering how many times I have disappointed him.  Well, we aren't talking about that right now - maybe later.  Right now we are talking about my disappointments.  Pretty selfish, huh?  It also makes me the victim.

I can spiritualize with the best of them. I can even quote Scripture to prove my point. What in the world is the matter with him?  He is supposed to love me as Christ loved the church and lay down his life for me.

How will he ever be able to lay down his life for me if I can't even get him to appreciate what I do for him, especially when I do it without being asked.  That is really big on my part.  If you need further description of how big, just ask me.  I guarantee you I can make it bigger.

I know I am not the only one that has ever thought that way, am I?

So, what is the answer?  The fact is we are incapable of accomplishing anything without God's favor.  We can't even take our next breath without His grace, much less take on the daunting, impossible task of making someone else happy.

Once again, the Word of God has all of the answers.  What a marvelous thing that God's wisdom is available to us 24/7.

My joy is in the Word of God: "Thy Words were found and I did eat (chewed, swallowed, digested, gleaned their goodness, used for health and life) them, and thy Word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of my heart for I am called by thy name Oh Lord, God of Hosts." Jeremiah 15:16

My hope is in the Lord Jesus and what He has planned for me on earth and for eternity: "the faith and love that spring from the hope that is stored up for you in heaven..." Colossians 1:5; "'For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, "'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" Jeremiah 29:11 - makes my heart happy.

Here are my two choices - My God is not a God of confusion.  He makes things pretty simple for us.

Do I place my hope and expectation in a fallible human being, which increases my potential for developing spiritual heart disease (hope deferred makes the heart sick - Prov. 30) or in the Lord, whose love knows no bounds, and who gave all to give me a hope and a future?

We have all heard the saying, "someone got up on the wrong side of the bed."  Well, that is the victim side where your expectations can't be met.  Crawl back in, roll over to the other side and let your feet hit the floor with such hope in the Risen One, that you are standing on the Solid Rock as the Victor.  So, how about it - Victor or Victim?

Do yourself and others a huge favor and make the right choice.  When I make the right choice, my prayer is, "Lord, change me," instead of  "Lord, change that sorry Frank that I love with all of my heart."  The strangest thing happens when I pray that prayer in all sincerity.  Frank cherishes me more, and I respect him more.  Pretty cool, huh? I'm approaching this and every day with the joy of the Lord. Love to all, Mecca

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Ready, Set, Go Dust Balls!

What a great day!  I slept well last night and woke up feeling good.  I have more energy lately because I am making good choices about eating and exercise. It is so dang hard sometimes, isn't it?

I don't mean making choices just about food but making the right choice about every decision presented.  (Where's that fresh bag of wisdom each morning when I need it?) I am often so short-sighted that I "sacrifice the future on the altar of the immediate." I have made decisions based on "right now" not thinking about the impact that decision will have in the long term.

Here's the deal: the older I get, the faster the future is catching up with me. That sounds like a quotable quip, but it is also the truth.  I think so much differently about each decision I make than I did twenty years ago.  There is a point in life when we believe we have a "looonnnnnnggg" time to redeem any mistakes we might make. I no longer think that way and should have never thought that way. We all know that we have no promise of tomorrow or even the rest of today.  We don't really believe it or we wouldn't live like we have forever.

We need to think like the little boy that heard in Sunday School "man was made from dust and to dust he would return." That afternoon when his mom chided him for all of the dust under his bed, he marveled, "there's a man under my bed, and I don't know if he's coming or going."  Sweet reader, that pile of dust is you and I.  That's how fragile our lives are apart from our creator.

I had the wonderful opportunity to speak to a group of teachers this week who were preparing their classrooms for back-to-school and their attitudes to be role models for children.  We expect everyone in our company to know the vision.

Part of the strength of the company's brand is that we all speak with One Vision, One Voice.  We have a strong, consistent message about who we are, what we do, and why we do it.  We quoted the company's vision together, talked about the core values, and the Principles of how we serve others.

Those are all wonderful concepts, and when we first started implementing the activities to make the vision and values become more than just words, it made me think, "what is my own personal life's vision?" What are my core values?"  What is my brand? In other words, what do people think of when they think of me?  Have you ever asked yourself that question?

I do.  I talk about the Lord, have walked with Him for many years, sometimes holding his hand, or running head or lagging behind.  I am like a child with my Heavenly Father - much like we all are.  We walk along happily with our Heavenly "Daddy," who remains consistent with a steady gate, while we dance and twirl and kick rocks (His loving arm catches us before we step in big pot holes, because we aren't paying attention or fall in a ditch because we wander off to far from His presence.).

What is my own strong, consistent message for who I am, what I do, and why I do it.  Anytime I ask an audience if they have established their own life's vision and determined what their core values are as individuals, I never have more than a few in each group indicate they have done so.

What is your life's vision?  Remember, "plans or goals are only dreams until they are first written down."  Now, for us "piles of dust," our visions can be written in our souls if we allow our creator to guide their creation; but sometimes we are so "heavenly minded, we are no earthly good."  (I didn't think of that, but it's a "good 'urn").  Let's take it from the spiritual to the practical realm; that is, after all, how we live out the Word of God, right? May I challenge you today to write your life's vision and core values? I want to share mine with you.

Vision - "That I might know Him, the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His suffering, being made conformable unto His death." Phil 3:10

Values:  Memorizing the Word of God, spending time each day with my "Heavenly Daddy," living with personal and professional honesty, keeping a sense of humor, being physically fit, esteeming others better than myself.  (By the way, that is the only lesson the Bible ever teaches about self-esteem. The way to have it is to pour out ourselves in service to the Lord Jesus and others.  That's all I'm sayin' 'bout that - right now.)

I find that when I wander from my Vision, I am weakened and lose sight of my values.  When I do that, I try to fill the craving with temporal things that end up poisoning my heart, mind, and body (sacrificing the future on the altar of the immediate).   God gently pulls me from the pot hole (might have a sprained ankle and scuffed up elbows), sometimes the ditch, sets my feet back on the steady road and establishes my "goings."

We mentioned God pulling us from the pot hole before we fell in earlier in our discussion.  If we remain as children, not growing up and understanding the importance of staying close to Him, He will allow us to experience the pot hole.  It's a pretty silly sight watching a grown man or woman twirling around, giggling, falling in pot holes or ditches because we haven't grown and matured in the Lord or have reverted back to our childish ways.

I can't get aggravated at the children of Israel wandering around for forty years, because I know how my life's story would read when the writer told how I had wandered from my vision and failed on living out my values. I do not want my pot holes and ditches to become your allegory for "what not to do."

I would be the happiest, more joyful person in the world if when people thought of me, they thought of Jesus.  That will only happen if I live up to my Vision and operate according to my core values.  "On Christ the solid rock I stand.  All other ground is sinking sand."

Come on "dust balls," let's get rollin'.  Write your vision, values, stay close to your "fresh bag of wisdom every day, delivered by your "Heavenly Daddy" when you spend time at His feet.  The answer is so simple and so sweet.  I am a hugger and would hug you all right now if I could get my arms around you.  I'm approaching this day with joy.  You do the same.  Your fellow dust ball - Love, Mecca

PS. Any italicized quotes are something I have heard somewhere and just don't know to whom I should attribute them.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I guess I'll have to...

Good Evening Everybody - I hope you had a good day, trusting and obeying, 'cuz you know there's no other way to be happy in Jesus - than to trust and obey Him, right?  I want to share something with you that the Lord gently nudged me about today.  By the way, He has the sweetest, gentlest nudges for His children.  We have all experienced them.  When I'm walking with Him and am aware of my need to be more like Him, I can be gentle in my nudges as well.  My problem comes when I am operating in the flesh.  Mercy, I can nearly knock some one's head off (figuratively speaking) to get my point across.  I know that those of you who know me personally just cannot imagine such a thing, (no raised eyebrows, coughing or clearing of throats).

Today was one of those days when I could not get up to save my life.  My alarm went off, and I didn't even bother to hit the snooze button.  I just turned it off.  I woke up again at 8:30 - just about the time I should be leaving for work.  My first thought was, "I guess I'll have to call and let Mary know I will be coming in later."  As I was fixing my bowl of cereal, I noticed that we didn't have anymore fat free milk.  The only thing left was the 2% that I usually save for Frank.  I thought, "I guess I'll have to drink the 2% this morning and remember to get what I need on the way home from work.

Just think about how many times we resort to that conclusion.  It is always an expression of having to accept something other than our first choice. I guess I'll have to...mow the grass tomorrow since it rained, and it is too wet today; wear this skirt because my other one is in the cleaners; read my Bible tonight since I didn't get up in time this morning.  We can all think of many times we express this sentiment.  It is very common, right?

Here's the point of today's musing.  Read carefully and think about whether or not you have ever been guilty of what I was guilty of today.  As we were getting ready to turn off lights, lock doors, and call it a day, Frank commented about wondering if a rug we had ordered would get here on Thursday or Friday.  These are the words that came out of my mouth.  "Well, I will be home all day on Friday so it won't be a problem; but if it is delivered on Thursday, I'll guess we'll have to trust the Lord to take care of it until we get home because it will be a pretty big object on the front porch that someone could haul off."

Now, the word, "guess" is an expression of uncertainty.  "I'll have to..." is an expression of something I am required to do.   In the moment I made that comment, the Lord gently whispered, "you don't have to guess about my trustworthiness, and you should always place your trust about anything in me first. I shouldn't be your last resort."  I truly don't want to "spiritualize" mundane things to the point of being ridiculous, but I just wonder if we aren't guilty of using the Lord as a last resort instead of the rock and fortress we run to in all of life's situations - good and bad.  I know from the promises of God's Word and my own life's experiences that trust is the most valuable asset I have in Christ.  It is also the more vulnerable.  I can lose my ability to trust the Lord in the moment I let anything come between "my soul and the Savior." The concept of trust is described as the Assured resting of the mind on the integrity, veracity, justice of another.  I become unsure of the condition of my relationship with the Lord, and therefore I am not resting in Him when I "regard iniquity in my heart." I am reminded of a portion of I Samuel 15:22 that says, "obedience is better than sacrifice..." We obey as a voluntary act of the heart because we rest in and trust the promises of God.  Obedience is also acknowledgement of Jesus as Lord in our lives. My desire and fervent prayer tonight is that I will not even think, much less speak the phrase, "I guess I'll have to..." when referencing reliance on Jesus. 

I just thought of the words to a song I have loved all of my life. "I am resting tonight in that wonderful peace, resting sweetly in Jesus' control.  For I'm kept from all danger by night and by day, and His glory is flooding my soul.  Peace, Peace, wonderful peace; coming down from the Father above. Sweep over my spirit forever I pray, in fathomless billows of love."  

Sleep sweet, and rest - with complete reliance on and trust in - the deep billows of His love. He most assuredly can and will take care of the "rugs" of our lives. Approach tomorrow with the joy of the Lord.  He deserves our trust and praise.  Yikes! Makes me want to shout.   How about you?
I'll talk to all of you again tomorrow.  Good Night.  Mecca 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Target on my Back

I began blogging on July 5th, and I think yesterday was the first 24 hour period I had gone without writing something, and I missed it. I hope you did, too.  

OK - the message in italics was actually written on Sunday, and I am just now getting back to this blog.  Dear friends, now it has been almost 72 hours since I've been able to share with you, and it feels like something is missing in my day when I don't tell you what God is doing for me.  In just a few short days this communication has become a very important part of my life.  Let me try to explain why.

As a teacher, I realize there are two levels of understanding something.  The first level is understanding for yourself.  The second, more comprehensive level is understanding well enough to relay it to others in a purposeful way.  Sharing with you has strengthened my walk with the Lord and deepened my appreciation for and understanding of His grace and mercy.  There has been such a peace, joy, and fulfillment for me since I began this blog. The Lord has been so real to me. That doesn't mean He isn't always real and available, because He is immovable, unshakable, and unchanging.  It just means I'm not always where I need to be spiritually to hear from Him. I sensed a closeness to the Lord, reading what He had to say to me, sharing it with you and just reveling in His presence in my life.  Here's the "kicker" to that.  When I grow closer to my Heavenly Father, it stirs up the biggest hornet's nest for the prince of the power of the air.  Yep, I am talking about sorry, rotten ole' Lucifer himself.

If there is one thing I have learned in my walk with the Lord, it is that when God is doing a work in my life, I feel like I have a huge target on my back (even bigger if it is on my backside - lol) for Satan's arrows.  He hates God.  He resents our love for Him.  First, he is mad as h--- that I am a child of the King, and then when I actually start walking in the power available to me as a child of the King, he goes berserk.  He will do everything in his power to limit or destroy any abundant life in Christ. Here is a thought for us.  He truly doesn't mind that we "sorta" live a Christian life, and I believe we all know what that means. That's not a threat, and actually, it plays very well into his purposes.  That's why the Lord hates "lukewarm." But---when I am living with abundant power through Christ, that is a different story.   By the way, I'm not special; he's out to get you, too.  If the devil is leaving us alone, we aren't much of a threat to his way of life, and I want to be a BIG threat.  How about you?

The devil is sly, calculating and knows our vulnerabilities.  Let me tell you what I allowed the enemy to do.  When our spiritual emotions run high, we are especially vulnerable to Satan's attacks.  I had been on a spiritual high, and I was looking forward to and excited about a wonderful weekend with Frank.  We are doing some refurbishing in the house, and we have always enjoyed doing that together.  Well, friends, I want you to know that we were testy with each other, took what the other said the wrong way, had more than one "snafu" and almost ended up not speaking to each other.  We would recognize our sorry attitude toward one another, apologize, and within another couple of hours, we would be right back where we started.  We finally sat down tonight, and just hashed it out, admitted our failures to one another, asked the Lord to forgive us, and told Satan in the name of sweet Jesus to go away.  By the way, the mere mention of the name of Jesus makes him flee.  What a sight that is.  He slithers away and can't do it fast enough.  My point is, we cannot withstand the attacks of Satan and all of his minions without putting on the whole armor of God.  We know he is roaming the earth daily just looking for someone he can devour.  Those living abundantly in Christ are especially tasty.  He wants to bring us to our knees in defeat and make a spectacle of our defeat for anyone to whom we have tried to be an example of "Christ-likeness."

Now, here is the great news.  God has given us a way to escape any weapon the devil might use against us.  Spending time is His Word, staying in the protective shadow of His wing and keeping our hearts and minds tuned in to His heart and mind.  The devil has no power that we don't give him through our neglect of our power drink each day - God's Word.  So, drink up at the well that never runs dry, get up and keep running the race set before us, and wake up each morning with renewed vision of  the face of Jesus when He says, "well done, a race well run." Love to each of you.  I am still approaching each day with joy.  Are you?  Mecca

PS. I got up at 5:00 am and walked on Monday.  It was a miracle.  Then this evening, I walked for an hour.  I've been watching what I eat as well.  So thankful.  Just wanted you to know so you would be encouraged.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

In Praise of Salt and Light

My challenge today is to take you from a story about "mooning" my husband (which we all agree he deserved) to being excited about our potential to be salt and light in this sorry, dark ole' world.

First, God has been so good this week. When we have a group in for training, there are large amounts of food available all of the time.  We keep chocolate, mints, hard candy, anything individually wrapped that can be left on a table as a snack.  We've gone to dinner in the evenings, and lunch has been catered each day. I am usually tired during these days of training because I give it 200%. When the mind is tired, a body is "bone tired."  Yet, each day I had the fortitude to get up early enough to walk or do Zumba when I got home in the evening.  Either one is difficult during normal weeks for me.  During a training week, it is not possible except for the resurrection power of Jesus Christ available to me when I realize His strength is made perfect in my weakness.  (Whew - great truth, right?)

I "try" not to weigh more than once a week.  When I weighed this morning, I had actually lost; and yes, I am thrilled, but I am thrilled about something far more eternal this time around with weight loss than just loosing fat off of my body.  You might be thinking "this time around - how many times have there been?"  Well, maybe you aren't thinking that.  That was my enemy sitting on my heart trying to remind me of past failure.  By the way, when those thoughts come, I need to recognize the source.  My sweet Savior never throws past failures in my face.  When they are under the blood, He "remembers them no more."  He doesn't even know they happened.  So, "get behind me Satan." The neat thing is, that sentiment only takes a whisper, even a thought, because it is said with the power of the blood available to me as a child of the King to the defeated one.  OK, now I might have to shout.  I hope you don't mind my sharing thoughts as they come.  It is a joyful thing to share with others what the Lord is doing in my life, but to be able to share as it happens is beyond the pale of a "bucket filler."  No pun intended.

While I know that any good thing that happens in my life is a gift from the Lord, I believe the greater benefit to the pounds lost was what I achieved spiritually.  The natural result of burning more calories than I consume is loss of weight.  The supernatural result of staying my mind on the mind of Christ, making a choice because His Word is strengthening my will, and carrying through because I want to please the One Who gave Himself for me, is life changing.  I have sung all of my life the words, "I will cling to the old rugged cross and exchange it someday for a crown."  Those words are life changing when we actually act on them.  May I challenge anyone reading this today to be sure you are actively "clinging" by reading the Word, memorizing it so you can "pray it back" to the One who promised it.  He is the only One who will never fail to keep His Word.  When we deliberately learn His Word, prayerfully repeat it back in worship and supplication, actively use the promise of those Words in our every day lives, we "pay it forward" in every interaction we have with others, because we have been with Jesus and are walking in the light of His Word.  That's the way we become salt and light.

Now, was I really excited about weight loss?  Yes.  Is my heart rejoicing because of what He is teaching me by focusing on Him, a thousand times yes.  The resulted weight loss is minuscule to the empowered relationship with Christ.

Did I do ok moving from mooning to salt and light?  Make this a fabulous day.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

A Story of Storms, Flashes, and Sweet Sleep

Before I start talking about sweet sleep again, I just wanted you all to know that I have exercised every day this week.  If I can do it, you can too.  I am sorry if you are struggling with the "choice to move."  It might sound like a simple choice, but it isn't always simple.  Walking each day is an extraordinary accomplishment for me.  I have been an avid walker in my lifetime, but after I re-sprained my bad ankle about 3 years ago, I just haven't gotten my fervor back for consistent exercise of any kind - well, I take that back.  I am pretty consistent at bending my elbow from table to mouth and exercising my jaw muscles as well.  I usually tell everyone that the verse, "set a guard before my mouth, keep the door of my lips" makes me think of the Royal Guard at the Queen's Court in London.  The guard goes back and forth, back and forth, back and forth between a fairly short distance.  I keep thinking there is a little centurion running one way to keep words from coming out of my mouth and running back to keep food from going in.  That little feller is tired by the end of the days he is assigned to me, and I am sure his sleep is sweet.  That is actually a scriptural statement.  In Ecclesiastes 5:12 it says "the sleep of a laboring man is sweet..."

Now to the point of the post: Last night I was determined to walk so that I could keep my commitment to exercise every day.  There were ominous storm clouds forming, lightening flashing sporadically, and the wind was picking up.  Frank was out in the front admiring the little Japanese garden he planted.  I asked him if it started to rain, would he please come pick me up.  He couldn't just say he would.  He indicated he was really tired and was going to bed.  I didn't feel very cherished (a woman needs to feel cherished, ya know), and I told him so.  I also knew he was jesting.  I went on with my walk and as I came back around the bend, he was standing in the middle of the street in front of our house, and called down the street, "baby, you can make it another round; it's not raining yet; it's only lightening a little bit; hold your stomach in." Now, what man, who doesn't need to lose any weight and has all of his mental faculties, would say that out loud, much less holler it down the street? I thought, "do I just act like I don't know him, cuss him or laugh at his ignorance?  I didn't know which one to choose; so as I got closer, I mooned him.  

Bless his heart, he thought there was a windstorm coming out of the north with an immense cloud and flashing lightening. It might as well have been.  I promise it was dark. No one saw but him, and I surely felt vindicated.  There was suddenly a little extra spring in my step.  He was silently waiting for me each time I rounded the bend, and I finished my walk in peace.  I loved that he was waiting for me.  I slept sweet last night.  Is there anything spiritual about that story?  Any life lesson to be learned?  Just be kind, cherish your spouse, and don't give exercise advice in the middle of the street. That way, lightening from heaven will be the only flashing going on.  The End

PS - Tonight I did an hour of Zumba and remembered to hold in my stomach, but don't tell Frank. 

Best tip for a sweet sleep - Live every day like it will be your last.  Give your best for as long as you can, and be thankful to your Heavenly Father for the beautiful gift of sleep to keep you healthy - mentally, physically and emotionally.  Don't sleep too much, or we will be calling you a sluggard.  I wish you all fitful, sweet sleep.  Think about the gift of new mercies and great faithfulness waiting for you when you wake up.  Sweet Dreams

Sleep Sweet Secrets

Have you ever waked up from such an deep exhaustive sleep that it took you a minute to realize where you were?  Well, say good morning to your cohort in that experience.  

I woke up very early this morning with my computer open, lying cockeyed - half on me, half on the bed with about 5% power left.  I have dry eye that flairs up when I forget to drink enough water or have my contacts in too long (I had taken them out, thankfully); but my left eye was painfully sore.  

I realized I was in the upstairs bedroom with just one side of the bed unmade and thrown to the side.  Then, I recalled why I was there.  Frank had nudged me one too many times saying, "Baby, you're snoring - roll over." I'm sure that the last few times he tried to stop my snoring, it wasn't "Baby," but a good strong, irritated tone of voice speaking my first and middle name, "Mecca Ruth," (like my mother use to say my name when that was the last warning on a thing.)  

At that point I remembered thinking "well, quit waking me up and go somewhere else to sleep."  I think he should have gone somewhere else, don't you?  Doesn't matter what we think, because I was in the upstairs bedroom.  Now I am sitting at the desk next to the bed very relieved that I had saved the blog I started last night.  Go back with me 6 hours, and this is what I was writing when I just couldn't write anymore.

It is late, and I have had a long, productive day because God's direction was evident, and my dependence on Him was necessary to meet some virtually impossible demands on my time. Nothing is impossible with Him, right?  I just noticed that I said, "my dependence on Him was 'necessary.'" God has a marvelous way of putting us in situations where our dependence on Him is required if we are to achieve the goals in our lives that will prepare us for eternity. He guarantees success to His children in situations where they rely on Him because He never fails.  I love that thought. Here's another thought. The Lord's idea of success might be very different than ours. Being prepared for eternity might mean (our idea of) failure in some of the tasks we believe are so important in the immediate sense. (That's a digression that we can talk about another time - just wanted to make a quick point.)

We have a tradition at our house. Often Frank will tell me at night before we go to bed to "sleep sweet."  After a long day, those are welcomed words.  There are two secrets to being able to "sleep sweet." See if you can identify which two they are:

a. don't drink liquids within an hour of going to bed
b. don't eat a heavy meal within two hours of going to bed
c. don't fight with your spouse
d. take your hormones
e. kick the kids, cats, and dogs out of the bed
f.  make the snoring spouse sleep in another room
e. can't pick just two

My answer is highlighted; what is yours? 

Ok, we are back in real time.  Morning has broken, and I am so amused that once again, life has imitated art.  Just look at the choice marked "f."  I had created that list to have a little dose of real life in my musing.  Turns out I didn't need to create it at all.  

I want to finally tell you what the two real secrets are to experiencing "sweet sleep." Read with me the following verses from Proverbs 3:21-24

My son, do not let wisdom and understanding out of your sight,
    preserve sound judgment and discretion;
22 they will be life for you,
    an ornament to grace your neck.
23 Then you will go on your way in safety,
    and your foot will not stumble.
24 When you lie down, you will not be afraid;
    when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.

Wisdom and understanding or any other words, sound judgement and discretion.  If the beginning of wisdom is the knowledge of God, then we sleep sweetly because we know and trust the heart of God; therefore, we have our minds stayed on Him because we trust in Him; and the result of that is perfect peace.  "Thou will keep Him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusteth in thee." Isaiah 26:3.  The Lord has brought so many more thoughts to my mind about sleep.  If it's OK with you, let's begin our day with the "joy that cometh in the morning" and continue our sleep discussion tonight - that is, if I don't fall asleep in the middle of it again.  Just sayin'.  

His faithfulness is new this morning.  Make it a great day.  

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Thank you, Jesus. Amen and Amen!

I am tired tonight, but I promised myself I would write something every day, even if it were only one or two sentences.  I got up this morning and walked (after hitting the snooze button about five times).  During my walk, I listened to uplifting music and experienced sweet fellowship with the Lord Jesus.  He is blessing my efforts to be disciplined in my exercise and eating habits.  I am feeling better mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.

I am not so easily derailed when things don't happen exactly as they should.  It's not as difficult for me to overlook other's shortcomings or admit my own.  It is an easier task to "plan my work and work my plan."  I even like Frank better on the days I like myself better, jk.   (Frank would say, "there's enough gospel in that statement to save the whole world.") On the days I spend as much time grooming my heart as I do grooming my hair and face, I am more successful in every way.

I thought a lot about Heaven today.  I miss those I love that are with the Lord, especially my Daddy.  During my walk this morning, I asked the Lord to tell him hello for me and to thank him for loving me and insisting I learn the Word of God as a child. Its truth has been my stay on so many occasions in my life.  As children all four of us had to memorize scripture and recite it before going out to play on Saturdays. I often memorized 22 verses in a week.  Did I particularly like it then? No. It seemed burdensome; a lot of it didn't make sense, and I never could remember the references from one week to the next.

The promise that God's Word will never return void is true.  I am unwavering in what I know and believe about the truth of God's Word because I hid it in my heart so consistently as a young person.  I don't say that to boast.  If I had had anything to do with the decision to memorize or not to memorize, it wouldn't have happened.   The point is, it did happen.  From the depths of my heart, I can say, "I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I've committed unto Him against that day."

The memorized Word is a conduit for the Holy Spirit to speak to me in the calm and in the boisterousness of life either in convicting or in speaking peace to my heart.  The power of the Word of God in my heart has given me wisdom for my life's journey.

I realize our lives are only a vapor in the whole plan of eternity, but it is an important vapor.  Just think, God could change the outcome of any situation at any time.  He chooses not to do so.  I believe He is more concerned with how we handle the journey.

I am confident of this very thing, that He Who has begun a good work in me as a child will perform it until the day of His return. (Phil 1:6) "Unsettle me, challenge me, use me, Lord, 'til Christ be seen in me."

Sleep sweet, dear readers, and let's approach tomorrow with the joy of the Lord.  Then, we will have strength for the day.  Thank you, Jesus. Amen and Amen!

Monday, July 9, 2012

What Beautiful Eyes You Have

How often do we go out of our way to tell little girls what beautiful eyes or hair they have and little boys how handsome they are.  We ooh and ah over curls, dresses, bows and hats or cute pants, shirts and baseball caps.  What about the children who don't have such fine clothes or beautiful hair and eyes - at least what the world calls beautiful?  What about them?  I shudder when I think about "Tiara Toddlers," little girls who are dressed to look and act like seductive women, whose parents spend almost 100% of their time and much of their income dedicated to teaching adult actions, attitudes and behaviors to these children - along with a distorted image of beauty.

Have you ever seen the video on YouTube called the "Dove Evolution"? If not, watch it.  It shows a very average, nice-looking young woman coming into a studio getting ready for "hair and makeup."  The video moves in warp speed showing the rapid transformation of this young woman's appearance with application of makeup and creation of a "do." The camera backs away as the woman is transformed into a still image.  Then comes the Photoshop.  Her eyebrows are arched, neck lengthened, ears lowered, shoulders narrowed, and lips enhanced.  The camera backs further away as she becomes a strikingly beautiful image on a large billboard.  The picture fades as these words dramatically appear, "no wonder our perception of beauty is so distorted." 

That's the world finally learning what God's Word told us long ago.  There's no evidence the producers of this video ever heard or read that "charm is deceitful and beauty is vain (excessive obsession with looks, achievements, gifts, etc.) or that "man (the world) looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart."  They didn't quote the Lord's admonition in I Peter 3 that our beauty or adornment shouldn't be just external - fixing our hair, wearing jewelry or putting on dresses - not that we shouldn't do those things, but that it shouldn't be our primary focus.  

The older I get, the more I realize that with age, outward beauty goes, but with age, inward beauty grows. I pray every day that my inward beauty shines brightest because that beauty is eternal.  Besides, it really doesn't matter how many times we nip and tuck it, the outward (wo)man is going away.  I love Jeff Foxworthy.  He once said that people are always wondering what a man's thinkin'.  He said, "Well, I'll tell ya.  It's usually something like 'I wanna beer and to see something nekked.'"  Then he said that God got him back because the other day he saw his grandma "nekked."  He said that no man ought to see his grandma "nekked" cuz there ain't nothin' in its right place.  I apologize to any gentlemen reading this ahead of time, but I told Frank the other day that I don't have a cup size anymore.  It's just mainly a 38 Long.  Those are the facts.  I'm growing old, but remember under those size 38 longs beats a heart with the marvelous opportunity to grow more beautiful by the minute.  

The point is, this ole' world is going to do everything possible to ingrain in our children a powerfully destructive message about the meaning of real beauty.  That's how our children will grow up unsatisfied, always looking in the wrong place for affirmation and letting their reflection in the mirror be their source of self worth.  Let's purpose that we won't be part of it.  The next time you give a child a compliment, make it a recognition of his character and not about her looks.  How about, "that dress is beautiful on you because you have a beautiful heart.  Or, you are beautiful or handsome in God's eyes when you obey Mommy and Daddy.  What a great smile you have.  That comes from a happy heart.  Think before you compliment and remember those little eyes and ears are watching, listening, and searching our words and deeds for what is important.  Be an example of true beauty.  Love to you all, and keep approaching each day with joy.  Mecca

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Irreverently Reverent

I have a healthy respect (which is what reverence is all about) for laughter in all of its forms. Let's see, there's a snicker, a swallowed snort, a hideous shaking (in church, funerals, weddings - when you know you absolutely can't make a noise and cannot stop laughing to save your life), belly laughing, a crooked smile on some one's face that never laughs out loud, knee slapper, shoulder lifter, - can you think of others? If you can, please add yours in the comments section.  Let's do this together.

My mother didn't say so, but I think I was born laughing. Can you find humor in any situation. I can. Sometimes that's good, and often it can be bad; but that is a subject for another day. I talk to and laugh at myself all of the time. That way when someone else laughs at me, I already have a good attitude about it. I could give soooooo many examples right here, but I promised to make this blog a little bit shorter.

Laughter can turn sorrow into joy or melt anger. Like the time Frank and I were having a rather heated discussion in our kitchen. I meekly, in the most angelic voice (no raised eyebrows) quoted the Word of God (here comes the irreverent part of the blog) and said, "Frank, in Proverbs 15:1 it says, 'a soft answer turns away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger.'" He turned to me without batting an eye and said, "look up in Proverbs and see what it says about bitch-slap." Are you gasping? I hope you are laughing. I can't say that pleased the Lord at all; but He didn't strike Frank dead, and I don't believe He is passive aggressive. I can't tell you what we were fighting about, but I can tell you we ended up in raucous laughter. Our sense of humor is important. It sustains us, and it is definitely one of the reasons Frank and I are still married after 31 years. We have gone through heartbreak and sorrow like everyone else, but we have learned to enjoy one another and move on from bad situations. One of the many reasons we can do that is because we know how to find the humor in things and laugh.

My pastor says we are all either just coming out of a problem, right in the middle of a problem, or about to have a problem. While the Lord has promised joy, peace, strength for the day, and hope for tomorrow, He has never guaranteed there would not be suffering along the way. He has made us so wondrously with a well-rounded approach to dealing with anything that comes our way - spiritually, resting in Him so we don't literally kill ourselves worrying; mentally, filling our hearts with His Word so we know Him better and can trust Him more (who trusts someone they don't know?); and physically - with a merry heart and happy attitude that helps our mood and energy levels.

I love the verses, Proverbs 17:22 - "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine;" and Proverbs 15:13 - "A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of the heart, the spirit is broken."  I develop and deliver training to adults so I often search the Internet for additional information on a variety of subjects.  Today was no different.  I googled, "medical benefits from laughter."  The first thing that came up was, "Marijuana heightens laughter - good for the healthy body."  For my purposes today, that was the wrong site, but I laughed.  While it wasn't the site I needed, it certainly proved the point of today's musing.

I leave you with just a few examples of what I found that thrills my soul and proves that the wisdom found in Christ confounds the wisdom of the world.  Scientists are amazed at the healing affects of laughter.  It reduces stress and blood pressure, boosts the immune system with cancer fighting antibodies, and engages every major system of the body.  It actually exercises the internal organs.  Hmmm, I think I just read that in Proverbs, written -  how many years ago? What a balm in laughter our Creator has provided to us.  Love to all, still approaching the day with joy.  Mecca

PS - It isn't one bit shorter, is it?

Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Faith of a Child, What is Delight, Part II

I have so many things going through my mind today. I love it when the Lord floods my mind with good thoughts.  (That is a subject coming up soon). I had something else I was going to share but couldn't quite get started.  I learned long ago that when the Lord is in a "thing," it is not labor intensive in the spiritual sense because His yoke is easy, and His burden is light.   

Then, I got a call from a dear friend in Hawaii who had read the blog yesterday.  She wanted to share with me that as she was reading about the allusion to a child's excitement, the Lord brought to mind the importance of having the faith of a child not just to please Him but to actually enter the Kingdom of God. (Matthew 18:3).  

I begin thinking, "What is it about a child that is so important to our ability as adults to honor God and even be accepted by Him in the first place?" Well, I want you to know dear friends, that subject could fill a book.  

I won't even be able to touch the surface of it in a short blog; but I can say a couple of things. I work with one of the most wonderful people I have ever known. She is the VP of our department and has a doctorate in Early Childhood Education.  I never looked at children with such joy and wonderment until I saw them through her eyes.  

Think about it. They are little scientists, always searching and testing, then telling about what they have learned with excitement.  Even an infant sees a bright color, a new toy, or learns a new word, and eyes grow bright.  Mary will say, "children haven't been in the world so long that everything isn't still a new, learning experience."  

They are trusting; but children also have an inherent sense about something or someone that isn't quite right, so they are perceptive.  They have a purity and innocence about them because they haven't been in the world long enough for its impurities to taint their hearts.  And----my favorite characteristic of a child---each one is genuine.  

They learn pretense, but they have such a genuineness about them.  They say what they are thinking.  That's one of things the Lord was talking about when He said as we mature we should put away childish things.  We learn to have a filter.  But not children.  

Like the time I visited one of our preschool classrooms, a cute little boy ran up to me and said, "whose grandma are you?" Hrmph - out of the mouths of babes. (If you are laughing, you shouldn't be.  It ain't no fun being called a grandma unless you are one. If you know me, you know I laughed). 

I will also never forget when my two year old great nephew, Sam, came to visit us for Easter.  I took our little Westie out to do her business, and Sam had to come with me.  Her poop hadn't even completely hit the ground before he stepped in it with his new Easter shoes.  Being the adult, I got my filter on just in time to say, "Dang it, Sam, you stepped in dog crap (instead of the "s" word which I shouldn't ever say, right?). I took off that shoe and brought him back into the house.  His mother immediately said, "Sam, where is your shoe?"  To which he gleefully replied with clapping hands, "I stepped in dog 'cwap.'" The family sternly rebuked me for teaching him a bad word.  They didn't realize I was very proud I hadn't taught a much worse form of that word to my sweet Sam that day.  They rebuked.  I was rejoicing.  Whew!!

So think with me, now.  They search and discover with delight (treating as a rare gift - remember thoughts from yesterday?); they are pure, innocent, trusting, perceptive, genuine, and so much more that pleases the heart of God.  We cannot ever approach the Lord Jesus with pride, deception, or lack of trust and expect that He hears our voice.  Those things actually destroy our communication with Him.  If I can approach each daily opportunity, task, relationship or situation with God's wisdom because i have approached Him with a pure, trusting, genuine heart, then His yoke will be easy, and His burden will be light. The result, I will have peace and joy. I am all about easy, light, peace and joy.  How about you?  Approaching the day with joy - Mecca

PS - I promise - these will not get any longer, and I will actually work on keeping them shorter.  

Friday, July 6, 2012

What does "delight" mean?

I realize this is only my second day of official "blogging," but it is actually my third day of publishing my morning thoughts.  The first day was happily displayed on Facebook. Now, I am thinking about it too much.  I think the very best thing is to "be real" and just say what's on my mind about what God is doing in my life; and friends, there is really no telling what that might be.  

I always feel like He has to work harder on me than others - you know, like assign extra angels to my car in the morning.  I hit a fire hydrant on the way to work one morning.  It was only 1,000 ft from my front door, but I was movin' around that curb, and that fire hydrant took off the side of my car.  The fire hydrant was unmoved and undamaged - thank the Lord.  The first thing my insurance agent asked was, "do we need to call the city?"  Nope, no damage to the fire hydrant.  

Now, when Frank sees my scurrying around in the morning, forgetting keys, coming back for my phone and lipstick and forgetting those two rollers in the top of head so I will have a little "poof" (Texas girls always like a little "poof,") he will (sometimes) kindly say,  "Baby, be careful today.  This is one of those days when you will run over a fire hydrant, dogs, and small children."  Frank always prays with me in the morning and asks for the Lord's protection over both of us - but mostly me.  

This is life, right?  When I worry that I am not doing my share, and the Lord has to work harder on me, I am reminded of the verse in Proverbs 8:30 that tells me I am daily the Lord's delight.  I am amazed at that.  Are you? I looked up the word "delight," and it gave the normal words I would expect, "joy, happy, show of excitement," and then I read about what it meant in Hebrew. No, I don't read Hebrew, but I can google.  "Luxurious, delicate, feminine, to be of dainty habit, to be pampered, happy about"  is what I found. 

The picture that instantly popped into my head was one of a child so excited about something that her little face was frozen in a squeal, shoulders up, and maybe even hands to the mouth in disbelief of something so wonderful. I can't imagine the God of the universe loving me and delighting in me as His child in such a powerful, mind-boggling way.  

I say I have "delighted" in Him when I read my chapter in Proverbs, one in the New Testament, a chapter in a devotional, say my prayer - usually asking for strength and faith, praying over my list of specific prayer requests and thanking Him for saving me.  I need to be careful that I delight myself in Him and not what He does for me.  Then I can say that whether I have or don't have, I am delighted in His presence.

"Thank you, Jesus, that you treat me as a rare, delicate, treasured gift, and I am worthy of it only because of the sacrifice of the rarest, most treasured gift in all of eternity." Now, that is enough to make my heart burst with squealing delight.  Glad I'm not one of those snake handlers today.  The cages would be wide-open.

PS - Parents - do your children feel like you delight in them in that way?  Just sayin'
  • Isaiah 62:4-  The Lord delights in you
  • Psalm 22:8- rescued because God delights in him (God’s son)
  • Proverbs 3:12-“Even as a father- the son in whom he delights-How blessed is the man who finds wisdom